Monday, November 19, 2012

Outings and aboutings

"December 11, 1994:  To Lois and Gaylord's for dinner.  John's van wouldn't start so we had to use the Pontiac.  Just John, Helen, Howard and I were there.  Mark and Jeff, too.  Tom came late evening.
December 12, 1994:  Tom and I left at 7:00 for Sioux City.  Got to doctor's office before 9:00.  After examination and pictures of eyeball taken we ate at a Wendy's place.  Then Tom drove to the casino at Sloane.  Stayed about an hour -- won nothing -- back to doctor's office and then home.
December 14, 1994:  Went to WELCA Christmas dinner and program. Snowed during meeting."

Grandma got to go to the casino and Grandpa didn't?  Oh, the humanity.  I wonder if it was a spur-of-the-moment decision to go or if maybe they planned it and Grandpa just didn't feel like going out.  I know if I would have been there, I would have won nothing, also.

Here's a photo of Tom, thinking of something, I'm sure.  Probably not an outing to Sloane.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't Tom precious in this photo? There aren't too many pictures of him at this age smiling.
