Friday, November 30, 2012


"February 1, 1995:  Frank Fleer died last Thursday -- January 26 and was buried at Winside Cemetery today.  Howard was an honorary pallbearer but didn't go the funeral -- he explained why to Sharon and Shanda.  I didn't go either -- afraid of ice.
February 4, 1995:  Bill, Jenny, Patty, Mary, Rick, Mitch and Greta here for dinner.  After dinner the ladies went to Norfolk to shop.  Bill and Rick washed the dishes.  In p.m. Rick, Bill and I played Yahtzee while Howard slept."

I like that Grandma called us ladies.  Of course, it was easier than putting down all the names but she could have said gals or something.  Ladies is better.  I thought she had gone, too until I read the part about her playing Yahtzee.  Not because I remember the event so much but because I considered her a lady, too.

Great game, Yahtzee -- easy for kids to learn but still fun for the adults.  I must admit it is also fun to play on the computer.  No chance of dunking the dice in drinks like Anna did that one time.  She was 8 or so and she and Grandma and Mitch were playing at Grandma's place at Pioneer House.  Anna had a class of juice about the same height as the Yahtzee tumbler.  She put the dice in a container to shake them and have her turn, but dumped them in her drink by mistake.  Grandma laughed and laughed. 

Appropriately, here's a photo of Anna and Grandma at the Pioneer House.  Oh, and there's Maude to the left.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


"January 29, 1995:  Tom, Merilyn and Nancy came about 8:00.  We played Hearts until 11:30.  Tom and Merilyn stayed at Helen's.
January 29, 1995:  Tom, Merilyn, Nancy, Greta, John, Helen and Dorothy Jo here for dinner.  Howard fell on the ice -- bumped his head -- his shoulders and neck are sore.
January 30, 1995:  Howard feeling better.  John and Helen left on a trip to Florida to visit John's twin brother and other relatives."

I seem to remember Grandpa falling and that he was rather bruised up.  Hopefully I am thinking of the same episode which would mean he didn't fall and get hurt often enough for me to mix them up.

The photo is very likely not from January of 1995 or any year for that matter, but I decided Grandpa is making a face similar to what he may have had after he fell -- kinda perturbed.  Looks like he needed to mow after he finished the fish.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Storm at Sea

"January 19, 1995:  Sunny and thawing a little.  Much better than the foggy weather we had last week.  Lois and Linda went to Fremont to see Dora -- she took a turn for the better -- knew them and visited with them.  Started Jayme's Storm at Sea quilt.  Greta cut all the pieces for me.
January 22, 1995:  Too much ice for me to go to church.  Spent the week working on Jayme's quilt and doing some cleaning.

By my count this is the third Storm at Sea quilt Grandma made.  Well, the third in the journal I am working from right now.  I do not recall what colors were in Jayme's, but I imagine I would have seen it at some time.  It is a wonderful pattern in my opinion.  It looks like you need to be concentrating pretty well to get it all pieced properly but to a pro like Grandma it was probably a pretty tame project -- alliteration, anyone?  An internet search will bring up quite a few different variations, but the photo above is I believe close or the same as what Grandma used, although she used more monochromatic themes.  It's neat how the lines look curved when in fact they are all straight.

Cream pies!

"January 16, 1995:  Baked two cream pies -- one a birthday present for Lester.  Ted Wallingford called tonight that Dora was very sick.
January 17, 1995:  Tom called tonight.  They plan to come the 28th and 29th for my birthday.
January 18, 1995:  Went to Busy Bees Club at Ella Mae C.'s.

Every family has certain recipes that are "musts" for certain occasions.  I think cream pies would rank right up there near the top of the list with our family -- somewhere close to Omaha Potatoes.  I was an adult before I tasted cream pie, I believe.  Not that they doesn't look tasty, I just hadn't figured out what all the fuss was about and just left them for the obvious fanatics.

I had this post all ready to go yesterday, but thought I should delay until I could scan a photo of the known originator of the cream pie tradition, Maggie "Little Grandma" Iversen.  So, here she is.  I wish I could have known her. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Yay, January!

"January 13, 1995:  Arlene R. took me to Pinochle Club at Elsie J.'s.
January 14, 1995:  Finished piecing baby quilt for Jayson and Lora this past week and started putting the 9-patch sampler quilt together.
January 15, 1995:  Greta, Howard and I left at 7:15 for Lincoln -- trees, wires, everything covered with frost until we got close to Lincoln.  Foggy most of the way.  Went to Nancy's.  Mary, Rick, Mitch, Bill, Jenny, Jayson, Lora, Dale, Lynn, Dane, Kyleah were there.  They brought the dinner -- soup. sandwiches, salad and dessert.  Celebrating Mary's, Kyleah's and Jayson's birthdays."

All right!!  I remember gathering during more than one July to celebrate those birthdays, but here we did January's people.  We skipped several months, ten if memory serves, since July and January are the only multi-birthday get-togethers I remember.  Of course, it was due to a preponderance of birthdays in those months.  I imagine we didn't do December because of Christmas, but we had Grandpa, Lora, Mitch and Gavin all in December -- I hope I am not missing anyone.  And we have more Julys since 1995, too.  Maybe we should resurrect that idea.

No disrespect to two in the photo (my ancestors) and the man with the cake, but I hope we had more fun on 1/15/95 than these folks appear to have been having when this photo was taken.

Normal things and serious things

"January 9, 1995:  Lois K. came for Merilyn's quilt.
January 10, 1995:  Called Marie P. for her birthday.
January 11, 1995:  John came just as Howard was ready to take me to WELCA -- so he gave me a ride to the church.  Mary Ann S. took Helen and me home.  Gas man put a new belt on the furnace.
January 12, 1995:  TOPS meeting tonight."

Grandma has something for four days in a row here, but it's pretty ho-hum stuff, not that I am not grateful that she put this stuff down.

Grandma had other things in this little journal that were not day-to-day things.  I posted long ago the list of people that got black walnuts once.  I don't think I've used what she had on the inside cover of the journal before.  I have no idea why this information was put to paper, but here it is:

"Korean Conflict
June 1950 - July 27, 1953

Vietnam War
1964 - 1975
April 1970 - Nixon sent troops to Cambodia
Fall of Saigon - April 30, 1974
Beginning of Johnson's administration
1963 -- 17,000 American troops in Vietnam
5 years later over 500,000 troops there

1958 -- Alaska admitted to Union"

I didn't fact-check any of this, but toss it out there just because.  I imagine most reading this know, but just for the record, all of the KIAs from Wayne County during the Vietnam War were from Winside, and if I have them correct from my internet search they were Sgt Robert Lee Dangberg, Sgt Robert Alfred Wagner, and Pfc Mark Steven Witt.

(I had to make the photo smaller than usual due to its resolution.)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Same song, second verse

"January 4, 1995:  -10 degrees this morning.  Mick T. and Lila H. came this evening to audit the church books.
January 5, 1995:  Still cold.  Howard took me to Wilva's to have hair washed, etc. 
January 6, 1995:  Cold and windy -- no Pinochle Club today.
January 7, 1995:  -10 degrees this morning.
January 8, 1995:  Still cold."

In the last post I said I liked reading about the Huskers beating Miami.  For this post, I will state unequivocally that I don't like reading about -10 degree temps.  Brrr!

Appropriately, here's a photo of Grandpa with the bird bath and heater making sure the birds don't suffer when it's so cold.  I wonder if it was good enough for -10 degrees . . .

Go Big Red!

"January 1, 1995:  We're both on the mend.  Didn't go to church.  Jean called today.  They will go to Florida next Sunday.  The Cornhuskers defeated Miami -- they are National Champions.  Game was exciting.
January 2, 1995:  Greta came and put things away for me -- like Christmas boxes, etc.  She took me to her place and cut the strips for my 9-patch sampler quilt and for a baby quilt for Lora.
January 3, 1995:  Tom came in p.m. for wood.  We played a few games of Pitch.  Cold - cold - cold but no strong wind."

Sweet!  I probably watched the football game but cannot recall anything about it.  I really reading and being reminded, however, that we beat Miami.  I do remember watching the one game (Orange Bowl?) when we could have tied with a point-after kick, but went for two and didn't make it and lost.  I watched that in Wahoo with Dale and Lynn when they lived up there.

Speaking of Dale, here we are with a homemade tackling dummy.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

That's why it snowed!

"December 27, 1994:  Dale and Mary's grandmother -- Effie Bowder was buried today.
December 29, 1994:  I have the "galloping flu" -- didn' t eat anything all day.
December 30, 1994:  Feeling better -- Howard was sick in evening -- had chills.
December 31, 1994:  Snowed -- about 4 or 5 inches.  Howard didn't go after the mail today."

From what I understand, it would take a lot for Grandpa not to go get the mail.  He picked it up for other people to help them out, so it was kind of a big deal.  So, either the snow or the sickness made it so he didn't go.  I would like to think he was taking care of himself.

I am glad Grandma said something about Grandma Bowder.  I always have trouble remembering when it was that she died.  Now I know.  I wish I had a good photo of her to post right now.

Instead, here's a photo of Grandma and Grandpa when they were most definitely not sick.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Christmas 1994 and Post #300

"December 22, 1994:  TOPS had Xmas party here.  Low calorie snacks and gift exchange.
December 24, 1994:  Nancy came at noon.  Helped me for evening.  Greta, Dorothy Jo, John, Helen here too for soup supper at 5:30 -- then gift exchange.  Greta, Helen and Dorothy went to 9:00 p.m. Christmas Eve service at church.  Nancy and I played Rummicube.
December 25, 1994:  Howard rode to Wahoo with Nancy.  About 10:30 when we got there.  Jayson and Lora left before dinner.  Exchanged gifts in p.m.  Tom and Merilyn not there -- her sister and husband were at their place.  John and Helen and all the others there.  Came home about 8:30 -- saw so many pretty lighted places on the way."

How very well I remember soup on Christmas Eve -- I had chili and left the oyster soup (ugh!) to others.  The evening also included church and singing carols by candlelight and the goodie bag we kids got when the service was over that always included an apple or an orange (sometimes both!) plus peanuts in the shell.  Nothing so extravagant as to write a book about, but remembered traditions nonetheless.  I suppose I was a wiggly pest waiting for the soup and polite conversation to be over so we could open gifts.  We didn't do things in the order Grandma lists here.  It was church, supper and finally presents.  Hard to wait through all that when you are a kid.  Even an older kid.  I became a mean mother and had my kids wait until Christmas morning.  I figured it was actually less torturous that way for the adults than the wiggly pest thing going on for a whole day.  They survived quite nicely.

I am out of Christmas photos, so thought I'd just use this one of the almost-Christmas baby.  He's two days old here, so it was December 28 of that year but oh, well.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Flurry of activity

"December 16, 1994:  Howard, Greta and I to Lee & Rosie's for chicken fish supper. 
December 17, 1994:  Tom, Merilyn and Nancy came at noon.  Had chili soup and played Hearts all afternoon.  Tom and Merilyn stayed at John and Helen's.
December 18, 1994:  For Howard's birthday dinner at noon -- Tom, Merilyn, Nancy, Dale, Dane, Kyleah, Mary, Mitch, Greta.  Rick stayed at Greta's with Lester.  In p.m. to John and Helen's for clan Christmas gathering.  Nice weather.
December 19 and 20, 1994:  Too tired to do much of anything."

I think Grandma's last post rather goes without saying.  She had a busy few days there.  I am somewhat glad she didn't list everyone who was at the clan gathering -- makes for extra work for me picking labels for the post.  Soooo much extra work.

I am wondering if I read "chicken fish supper" correctly.  Perhaps Grandma missed an "and" in there.  Dunno.  Regardless, I am sure a fine time was had by all.

On a personal note, my laptop isn't fixed, rather isn't fixable.  Hopefully they will return it to me in the same shape as it was before I took it in.  It was doing nearly everything I wanted/needed it to do.  If they gummed it up trying to fix it, I shall be one irritated customer.  Fingers crossed.

In fairness to Tom and with regard to the un-smiling photo of him yesterday, here's a happy Tommy-gonna-be-Tom picture.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Outings and aboutings

"December 11, 1994:  To Lois and Gaylord's for dinner.  John's van wouldn't start so we had to use the Pontiac.  Just John, Helen, Howard and I were there.  Mark and Jeff, too.  Tom came late evening.
December 12, 1994:  Tom and I left at 7:00 for Sioux City.  Got to doctor's office before 9:00.  After examination and pictures of eyeball taken we ate at a Wendy's place.  Then Tom drove to the casino at Sloane.  Stayed about an hour -- won nothing -- back to doctor's office and then home.
December 14, 1994:  Went to WELCA Christmas dinner and program. Snowed during meeting."

Grandma got to go to the casino and Grandpa didn't?  Oh, the humanity.  I wonder if it was a spur-of-the-moment decision to go or if maybe they planned it and Grandpa just didn't feel like going out.  I know if I would have been there, I would have won nothing, also.

Here's a photo of Tom, thinking of something, I'm sure.  Probably not an outing to Sloane.

Laser, schmaser

"December 6, 1994:  Busy Bees Christmas party at Helen's.  Started to snow as we were eating dinner.  As soon as meeting and gift exchange and dessert over, all left.  I stayed and Helen and I played Scrabble until 6:00 p.m.  John took me home.  Snowed all afternoon and evening.
December 7, 1994:  Clear today.  Had between five and six inches of snow.  Cold, but not much wind.
December 9, 1994:  Irene D. took me to Yankton to Dr. Sprik.  A beautiful morning -- frost on trees and everything.  I'm to go to Sioux City Monday to Dr. Wadzinski -- maybe laser."

I had to read Grandma's last word a couple of times to get it right.  It looked to me that she wrote "maybe loser."  I knew it was wrong, but this being a Monday morning, I wasn't quick on the uptake.  I was probably too distracted by thinking about Grandma even using the word 'loser'.

I found a photo of snow, plus frost.  Bonus.

One trip a success, another cancelled

"November 30, 1994:  John and Helen went to Lincoln.  Tonight they'll go with Tom and Merilyn by plane to Las Vegas and then drive to Laughlin.  Will meet Trina, Paul, Marina and Raymond there.
December 4, 1994:  Cold -- didn't go to church -- have a cough.  John and Helen came home this p.m.  Finished piecing the 3" square block quilt top.
December 5, 1994:  Was to go to Yankton to Dr. Sprik today.  Cancelled the appointment -- very cold, just 10 degrees above -- and my cough is still a problem.  Will go Friday instead."

It's still Saturday, right?  I didn't miss a whole weekend of posts again, did I?  Unfortunately, it is Monday.  Fortunately, however, my laptop should be fixed soon so that I can post from home on the weekends again.  We do have another computer at the house, but when I think about posting John is in the middle of something and when he isn't, well I don't remember to go post something.  Ah, well.

I had to blather on a bit about that topic as I don't have any particular thoughts on Grandma's entries.  I don't like to think about 10 degree days, I do have a thought on that matter.

For no reason, here's a photo of Grandpa talking to a dog.  Looks like Fuzzy to me, but I'm not sure.  As a bonus, I realized there is a quilt in the photo so it ties in with this entry after all.  It's not the 3" square quilt though, that's for sure.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Surplus pies

"November 26, 1994:  Baked two pumpkin pies, an apple pie and an angel food cake to take to Nancy's tomorrow for our Thanksgiving dinner.
November 27, 1994:  Brrrr!  Started snowing about 6:30 a.m. -- received about 4 or 5 inches -- windy -- so no trip to Lincoln.  We had oyster soup for dinner and pie!!
November 28, 1994:  Am working on a 3" square patch quilt."

Grandma must have been pretty tickled about that 3" square quilt.  This is the second time she's mentioned it.  I am not judging however, because I repeat myself quite a bit.  I am not judging however, because I repeat myself quite a bit.

I do not recall this particular weather-affected event.  I do remember when I was in college and Mom couldn't come down for Christmas.  That was AWFUL.  She was my biggest Santa and that time and . . . nothing.  I did survive, however and Santa Mom came through later when the weather was better.

Speaking of pie, John and I like it so much we have forced ourselves to have it only once a month.  It's a tough existence, but we are remaining strong.

It's a good thing there's no photo of the college-non-Mom Christmas because I was probably pretty sad-faced.  Here's a happier one circa 1966.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

High prize

"November 23, 1994:  To church in evening -- good attendance.
November 24, 1994:  Thanksgiving Day -- had chicken noodle soup.
November 25, 1994:  Pinochle at Elta J.'s.  I got high prize."

Well, that's more like it -- high prize for once.

I am totally drawing a blank here.  It's one of those workdays when my choices for things to do is somewhat limited, so my brain is having some downtime in all areas, apparently.

So, let's turn to world events in November of 1994.  A few clicks provided the information to me that a letter was released telling the world that then former-President Ronald Reagen was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease.  Also, Sweden decided to and Norway decided not to join the European Union.  No word in November on the rest of Scandinavia. 

Speaking of Scandinavia, here is a photo of some Scandinavians.  I know from left to right in the front row is Grandma Anna and her parents.  And Hans in the middle of the back row, but I am not sure which sister is which for the last two.  For shame.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

More quilting

"November 16, 1994:  Helen and I went with Ruby R. to Busy Bees at Irene F.'s in Carroll.  Working this week on a quilt made of 3" squares.
November 19, 1994:  A skiff of snow this morning.
November 20, 1994:  To church with Greta.  Rainy all day -- heavier rain in the evening." 

All was right with the world in 1994 if Grandma was back to making and mentioning quilts.  Whew.

I didn't know a skiff was anything other than a type of boat, but I should have known Grandma would be on top of words and their various meanings.  (I did look it up to be sure, though....)

Here, for no particular reason is a photo of Grandma Anna, Mom and Bill.  I like it.  Bill may have been thinking of grabbing that bow on Mom's head.  He's looking pretty good for a baby that was born really, really teeny.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


"November 13, 1994:  The entire family plus Helen, John and Dorothy Jo there at Greta and Lester's for their 25th anniversary.  The family went together and gave them a bread maker.  We gave them the Storm at Sea quilt.
November 14, 1994:  Beverly N. took me to Legion Auxiliary meeting -- Lila brought me home.
November 15, 1994:  Mailed knitted doily to Marina and Raymond -- anniversary present."

Knitted doily??  What's up with that?  I would bet the farm and all my critters that Grandma did not knit.  I don't think Grandma Anna knitted.  I lived my entire childhood thinking we were crochet people, period.  Maybe Grandma had one from the Iversen side that she was given or something.  But other than that, I'm stumped.  I can't see her going out and buying one, but I suppose that is a possibility, too.  I have an anti-knit bias and would like to see this settled.  Mom?  Nancy?  Jim? 

I think I am caught up now with this being Tuesday and this also being a post for Tuesday. 

Here's Grandma Anna contemplating, I am sure, the inferiority of knitting.  I love the doodad in her hair.


"November 8, 1994:  Finished binding Greta's quilt.
November 9, 1994:  WELCA meeting.
November 11, 1994:  Pinochle Club at Leona's.  Got low prize again.
November 12, 1994:  Tom and Nancy came about 2:30.  We went to Norfolk -- met Merilyn there -- did shopping."

I haven't researched yet to see if low prize in Pinochle is good or bad.  I am going to guess bad as Grandma would more likely be self-deprecating than to brag about her prowess at cards.  But then, she didn't know this information would be on the web for all the world (cough, cough) to see so she was free to brag if she wished.

Here's that adorable photo of Bill and Grandma so much enjoying whichever family gathering this was.  I think some emergency card playing was called for to lighten the mood.  I wonder what is on the platter behind them.  It looks for all the world to me like open-faced cheeseburgers, but I bet that isn't right.  Maybe cookies.  But why the bowl of butter next to them?  I'm confused.


"November 2, 1994:  Howard and I put on the four small storm windows.  Delmar J. put on the big storm window.
November 4, 1994:  Light snow during the night.
November 6, 1994:  Baked potato dinner at church."

Well, I am a bit behind.  I got Saturday's post up and then took my laptop to the shop for repair.  So, no way to post since Saturday a.m.  And with no work on Monday due to Veterans' Day, I couldn't sneak in some time to get caught up until this morning.  But at least it is nice to know that 1994 was in a quiet spell, so there wasn't too much that we were missing learning about here in 2012.

I thought there would be more than five total storm windows for that house.  Grandma Anna's room (1), bathroom (1), kitchen (1?), dining room (1) and living room (big one and 2 on each side of that one? plus the one to the east) with nothing for the back porch?  Help, Mom and/or Nancy.

Here's a photo of Ola and Dorothea and a girl I don't know, plus some of the aforementioned windows.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Eagle Scout

"October 30, 1994:  Helen, Dorothy Jo, Greta, Howard and I went to Wahoo.  Left at 8:30.  We had dinner at Bill's and then to church by 2:00 for the Eagle Court of Honor for Jayme.  After the program a reception in the basement and then to Bill's to visit -- Dale's, Tom, Merilyn, Nancy, Rick and Mitch were there.  Mary wasn't feeling too good.  Jayson and Lora there, too.
October 31, 1994:  Lois K., Arlene R., Lila and I finished quilting Greta's quilt in p.m.  Nice evening.  Had about 20 - 25 tricksters."

I remember missing this particular event, and I know now probably why I did -- morning sickness which sometimes lasted more than just the morning.  Little Anna was on the way.  I am not sure if we knew that at the time but I know I was sometimes sick in the early going.

It would be appropriate here to have a photo of Jayme as an Eagle Scout, or perhaps Anna as a little baby, but since I have neither of those ready to go (and our scanner conked out), here's a hybrid-ish photo of Jayme as a baby.  Interestingly, it looks like he's holding a red Solo cup.  Hmmmmm.  Must have been quite the Christmas party.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Normal stuff for a spell

"October 26, 1994:  Bonnie F. drove me to Norfolk to see Dr. Sprik.  The left eye is no good for reading.  I must check the right eye on the dot chart that was given me.
October 27, 1994:  Charlie J. plowed the garden.  TOPS meeting in evening.
October 28, 1994:  Pinochle Club at Marie H.'s.  Had low prize."

I am curious as to why Grandma had to have a chart sent home to check her one eye when she was right there at the doctor's office.  But I am thinking maybe it was an ongoing thing that took some time.  I am often surprised by little tricks and secrets you learn every now and then about things medical.  I do know that Grandma's eyesight got pretty bad and then Nancy heard about some whizbang doctor in Lincoln who turned out to really be a whizbang and had Grandma back to reading the newspaper even.  That was a happy time to be sure.

Glad to know TOPS is meeting again seemingly without going out to dine.  I shouldn't tease the TOPS ladies -- my TOPS group went out to eat occasionally, too.

Here is a photo of Grandma in those whizbang doctor's glasses that worked so nicely for her.  And she is wearing THE necklace all the little girls liked so much.  Baby boys, too, as I recall.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Quilting and killing

"October 22, 1994:  Tom and Merilyn came in late afternoon.  After supper they went to Greta's for the night.
October 23, 1994:  Tom and Merilyn went up  to the river to get their scaffolding.  Had a late dinner, played some cards before they left for Lincoln.
October 24, 1994:  Quilted in p.m. -- Lois K., Arlene R. and I.
October 25, 1994:  Had our first killing frost last night.  Quilted in p.m.  Bertha R., Lois, Arlene R. and I.  Greta came this evening and pulled up all marigolds, petunias, etc."

Thought that title might be kinda catchy.  I always thought "killing frost" was a bit of an extreme term.  I know what it means, of course, it just seemed to dredge up Stephen King-like thoughts in my mind -- things gray and dark and creepy.

I assume the scaffolding was at some cabin or other of Tom and Merilyn's.  I don't think that I ever saw one that they had -- did they have more than one over the years?  I know I went up to Gavins (Gavin's? Gavins'?) Point when I was still in school, but we just boated and came back -- I don't think we went to any cabin.  I mainly remember being very, very sunburned and then having the tow rope go across my legs in a big hurry when I was trying the knee board thingy.  You can understand why that is something I remember.  Still, a fun time was had by all.

And speaking of creepy, here's that photo I have titled, "Looney" again.  As a side note, Anna thinks the shirt I am wearing there is cool and wears it often.  It is thereby apparent that I haven't failed miserably as her mother.  Just don't let her know about this photo or she may never wear it again.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Different kinds of needles

"October 18, 1994:  Bertha, Lois, Lila and I quilted in p.m.
October 19, 1994:  Busy Bees at Bonnie W.'s.  Helen H. was hostess.
October 20, 1994:  Greta and Lester took Howard and me to Pierce to get our flu shots."

I like quilting needles better than inoculation needles, but I'm getting better about that.  I wonder how many times Grandma told the story on me of when I fainted after getting a tetanus shot in the 5th grade.  I still contend I was so frustrated Mom didn't believe me that I didn't need one that I got all worked up -- on the inside, of course; we Scandinavian Lutherans don't get outwardly worked up and especially not in public.  But, I survived both the shot and the fainting, and Grandma survived the shock of me fainting, and Mom survives still in the knowledge that I really didn't need that shot then but that there was no harm done.  And I truly didn't need one because I got one in the 1st grade after stepping on some glass in my bare feet at the neighbors' house in Norfolk.  Something I reminded her of at the time . . .

I have no photos of needles nor of the neighbors' house in Norfolk nor of me fainting.  But here is a photo of a fainting goat fainting.  Not that I consider myself a goat, but I do like goats.  I don't think I want to get fainting ones, though, because nearly all visitors to the place will holler and make them faint and I find that mean somehow.  Not that I am above posting a photo of a goat that someone probably hollered at.  I think I need to quit this now.  It's getting a bit silly.  Sillier than Scandinavian Lutherans should get while blogging.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

No eating out

"October 13, 1994:  Cloudy and dampish.  TOPS met in evening.
October 14, 1994:  Pinochle at Ida F.'s.
October 15 and 16, 1994:  Put the border on Greta's Storm at Sea quilt.
October 17, 1994:  Arlene R. and Lois K. put quilt in frame.  Lois, Arlene R., Lila and I quilted in p.m."

No slam against the TOPS ladies, but this is I believe one of very few, if not the only mention of a meeting that didn't include going out to eat.  Of course, since Grandma didn't journal each and every day, maybe ordinary meetings didn't rise to the level of being recorded.  I think I'll go with that.  I remember that when Grandma was first with TOPS and doing quite well, she told us she went to bed early one night so she wouldn't be tempted to eat any cookies.  That made me smile then and still does.  And that was back when Nancy lived down by Plymouth -- it's been awhile.

I've been somewhat distracted with the election coverage today and nearly forgot about this little blog here.  But I didn't forget entirely.

Speaking of Nancy and Plymouth, I had to drag out this decidedly humorous photo.  I want to say this was when she and Jim lived outside Laurel, but it is closer in time to them living in Plymouth than anything else I can come up with.  For some reason I am really liking Grandpa's glasses.  And his arms look the color I most remember them.

Monday, November 5, 2012

What a drought!

"October 10, 1994:  Beverly N. came for me -- went to Legion Auxiliary -- I joined.
October 11, 1994:  Opened up sewing machine for the first time since June.  Sewed a few quilt pieces.
October 12, 1994:  Guest Day at WELCA.  Shirley S. spoke about Lutheran Family Services."

I'm sorry, but I cannot in my mind envision Grandma not sewing for four months or so.  That's just plain nutty.  I also figured she had been a member of the Auxiliary for a long time, rather than a short one.  Shows what I know.

Since this is a bit of a slow news day here, I am going to type out what Grandma recorded on the inside back cover of this little notebook.  The eclectic nature of the list makes me smile:

April 1981 -- Gall bladder surgery
June - September 1985 -- Mary attend Syracuse Univ. in New York
5/17/84 -- Nancy started working for Allen Andersen
November 1989 -- Nancy moved to Tom's house and Tom and Merilyn moved to their new townhouse
April 1969 -- Emergency surgery -- bowel obstruction and adhesions
December 1975 -- Mom had pacemaker
August 1966 -- Hysterectomy
June 1982 -- Bill's, Greta, Howard and I went to California on Amtrak

Apparently, my education, a trip to California and other miscellaneous events rate right up there with multiple surgeries. I like it!  I photo shows the face I am making right now.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The sky is fixed

"October 4, 1994:  Gaylord and Mark worked in stairway evening.
October 8, 1994:  First sunny day in a week.  Past week cloudy, damp and cool.  About 3/4 inch of rain is all.
October 9, 1994:  Mark finished the ceiling in stairway.  Arlene P. in Wayne Hospital -- had a stroke last Thursday on way to Mullen." 

Interesting shorthand there for the 4th, but who am I to judge?  I have my little journal I have been keeping and I pity whoever tries to read it some time later.  For shame.

I don't know that I knew about Arlene's stroke.  Hate to hear of anyone having one of those.  Nasty business.  The fact that she was headed to Mullen makes me think of her son Mitch and then of course, also, my son Mitch.  So here's a picture of him yukking it up in Arizona.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Visiting here and there

"September 30, 1994:  Pinochle club here.  Merle and Arnold K. here in evening.  They left again early Saturday morning.
October 1, 1994:  In afternoon, TOPS club went to ARD at Pierce.  We won the travelling trophy for perfect attendance -- all our members attended.  Mary and Mitch were here in a.m.
October 2, 1994:  Went to church.  Played Scrabble with Helen in p.m.

Looks like a busy few days for Grandma; cards, out-of-state company, ARD, favorite granddaughter visiting with her son.  All good things.

The photo is from a bit over a year later, but I thought I'd put one of Mitch on here.

Friday, November 2, 2012

The sky is falling.....fell, actually

"September 22, 1994:  Rained all day.
September 23, 1994:  About 4:00 this morning the plaster above the stairway came down.
September 24, 1994:  We went to Legion Hall for a pot-luck supper -- a surprise birthday part for Janet B. McCormick.
September 25, 1994:  Lois and Gaylord stopped in late p.m.  Gaylord said he and Mark would fix the ceiling.  We've had over 2 inches of rain since last Thursday."

I do remember seeing the big area of the stairway ceiling that fell down.  I'm pretty sure Grandma said it made quite the noise.  We were obviously thankful no one was using the stairs at the time.

I thought for sure I had a photo of Gaylord scanned and ready to go, but if I do, it's hiding from me.  So, Plan B is a photo of the house.  A note on the back indicated this was taken in 1925.  I will again state for the record that I liked the house this way, without the front porch addition that Grandma loved so much.  It's a point where we could not agree, not that I ever argued with her about it.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Belated birthday party

"September 16, 1994:  Pinochle playoff party at Leona B.'s.
September 18, 1994:  Howard, Greta and I to Lincoln for belated birthday party for Dane.  Mary, Rick, Mitch, Nancy and Bill.  Jenny had bad headache.
September 20, 1994:  Busy Bees Club ate dinner at The Brewery in Stanton."

I wonder where Tom was that he didn't come to Dane's party; Grandma doesn't mention him or Merilyn.

I didn't recall a place in Stanton called The Brewery.  Sounds like a wild place for a bunch of Busy Bee ladies.

I am pretty sure I used this photo before, but Dane is just so darned cute in it.  Nancy, too, for that matter.