Friday, August 31, 2012

Outdoors happenings

"April 23, 1993:  Greta came after work and helped Howard plant potatoes, carrots, radishes and peas.  Dale and Dane here in late p.m.  Dale got ferns from Greta.
April 28, 1993:  Don Orris and Dave Tobias reshingled the front porch."

Seems there was a flurry of activity, which is good I would think.  I don't remember if Mom said she liked planting or picking in the garden better.  Regardless, you really have to have both if you want an end product.  I truly am vowing to get my rear in gear so we (that means anyone wanting to come garden, Nancy -- I already know Mom is all in) can have a garden next year.  I have the spot picked and a website or two handy to tell me how to beef up the soil and what to plant when and other helpful things.  Fingers crossed.  Maybe Tom will come out and help since it looks from the photo that he really enjoys it.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

More Aunt Irene information

April 20, 1993:  Had over 1-1/2 inches of rain from Sunday evening until Monday evening.  Rained steadily all day yesterday.  Called Raymond this evening for his birthday -- was 90 degrees there.  (Irene fell sometime during the night of April 15 -- her eye was swollen shut and black and blue -- was taken to Lady of Lourdes Hospital -- she was abusive and hard to control.  Tuesday, April 20 she was back at Bel Air -- was quiet but was vague about where she was, etc.)
April 21, 1993:  Busy Bees met at Ruby R.'s.

I know some of this is a repeat of what Grandma already said about Aunt Irene, but there's a bit more information in this entry, so I included it.  It is very difficult for me to imagine Aunt Irene abusive or hard to control, but I understand how that situation can come to be.  We have sooooo many fun and happy memories of her that this is just a small blip on the screen.  With that in mind, here's a photo of her (and Grandpa) when she was young and just starting a life of adventure and fun and travel and bunches of good things!  I love the bow -- it's almost as big as Grandpa's head.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Feeling bad for Aunt Irene

"April 17, 1993:  Helen and I played Scrabble in p.m.  Raymond and Marina called in a.m.  She will have heart surgery May 4.  During last night Irene fell -- her left eye is swollen shut.  She is in Lady of Lourdes Hospital.  Just a chance she had another slight stroke.
April 18, 1993:  Sunny all day -- then in evening thunder, lightning and rain.  Howard planted some onions.
April 19, 1993:  Rained during the night."

I should add that Aunt Marina wasn't having a fun time of it either.  I used this photo rather recently, but since it had both lovely ladies in it, I'm using it again.

(I had a doctor's appointment this morning and it threw off my whole routine.  Didn't even think about my daily post until a little while ago.  Getting old!)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bad weather and bad luck at cards

"April 13, 1993:  Bad day -- rain, sleet and hail pellets!!
April 14, 1993:  WELCA -- cold and cloudy.
April 15, 1993:  Jean, Hank and two granddaughters here.
April 16, 1993:  Pinochle Club's play off party was here.  Laura, Ella, Ida and I were the losers."

I am guessing even in the confusing-to-me game of Pinochle, losing is bad so that's why I mentioned bad luck at cards.  But I am open to correction.  I really need to figure out how to play Pinochle just to make sure I am a well-rounded person.

I wish I remembered Hank better.  By all accounts he was a great guy.

I don't know if it was raining or sleeting or hailing on the day this photo was taken, but it does look like it was a chilly day at least.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Easter 1993

"April 9, 1993:  Good Friday -- fairly clear.  Howard planted 12 potatoes -- covered with straw.  Randy J. brought him two bales of straw.
April 10, 1993:  Howard planted some radishes.
April 11, 1993:  Howard, Greta and I left at 7:00 headed for Wahoo.  All the family there for Easter except Tom and Merilyn.  They went to Sac City to meet her sister and husband.  Nice sunny day -- kids could play outside.  Finished binding Nancy's quilt."

I think it was neat that Grandpa planted potatoes each Good Friday so that there would be new potatoes in time for Mom's birthday.  I know it's been discussed here before, but I still like that.  The radishes, well, I'm not so crazy about them so I have no opinion.

Here is a photo of Grandma's dolls, in shell shock that they did not get to go to the Easter celebration.  One is overdressed for the weather anyway so it's just as well.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Weather info tidbit

"April 5, 1993:  Started cutting out pieces for Tom & Merilyn's quilt.  56 blocks -- 60 pieces per block -- will need a total of 3,360 pieces.  Quilted in p.m. at church -- finished quilting Nancy's Storm at Sea.
April 6, 1993:  Today's Wayne Herald:  From November 16, 1992 when the temperature reached 56 degrees to March 26, 1993 when the thermometer was 62 degrees -- never above 50 degrees in that period.  Sewed binding on Mitch's quilt -- Greta will finish it.
April 6 and 7, 1993:  Rained."

Nice that the Wayne Herald publishes such tidbits.  Not that I'm horribly surprised it wasn't over 50 degrees over the winter.  That did make for quite a stretch though.

Does anyone know which quilt pattern Tom and Merilyn got?  That number of blocks and that many pieces sounds like quite the project.  I guess Grandma thought so too since she made note of the project that way.

Here's a photo of Tom(my) in the Morris Chair.  (See, I remembered the name of it.  Finally.)  And he's smiling at the thought of a new quilt I think.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Mostly quilting

"March 30, 1993:  Quilted at the church.  Lois, the two Arlenes, Bertha, Lila and I were there.
March 31, 1993:  March going out like a lion -- I didn't go to quilt.
April 2, 1993:  I finished quilting Mitch's counted cross stitch quilt that Greta made for him."

Poor Mitch.  He got to look at and briefly, briefly use the quilt in question.  I think he appreciates it now that he is older anyway.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Mary out and about

"March 26, 1993:  Pinochle Club at Ella M.'s.
March 27, 1993:  Rick and Mitch here in a.m.  Mary had gone to Kearney for a meeting of day care ladies.
March 28, 1993:  Went to church for a change."

I remember a few of the daycare conventions.  Mainly I remember that one of the providers in our group fell in the hotel swimming pool once.  As for the speeches and workshops, well I don't recall much about that.

The one TOPS gathering (I forget what they call them exactly) I remember best is the one when I was first pregnant with Mitch.  I was excited to be having a baby and so was thinking about that and truly did not get much out of the events going on around me.

So in that spirit, and even though they are not baby babies, here are some young folk....Lloyd, Mom, Ronnie.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Stormy days and seas

"March 21, 1993:  Louie and Verna here in p.m. to talk about Brogren reunion.  Helen came, too and we played Scrabble.  Started to snow in p.m.
March 22, 1993:  Arlene R. and Arlene P. put "Storm at Sea" for Nancy in quilting frames at church.  I didn't quilt in p.m. -- too snowy.
March 23, 1993:  I quilted in p.m. at church.  Lois K., Arlene R., Arlene P. and I were there."

Well, Grandma didn't call the snow a storm exactly, but I thought it was a catchy post title, so there you have it.  Glad that she missed only one quilting session due to snow and was able to go the next day.

And speaking of Brogrens, here are a couple.  I do not know who the man with the cake is.  Maybe someone can enlighten me on that.  The back of the photo was not helpful.  Also, does anyone know where the photo was taken?  I don't recognize the house.

I just realized that I haven't been using a label for Grussfather and Grussmother on my posts.  I guess I can start now.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Away to Wyoming

"March 13 and 14, 1993:  Greta and I in Lincoln.  Dale and Lynn in Wyoming to visit Lynn's father who had heart surgery.  Dane and Kyleah were at Mary's.  Stayed there all afternoon.  I spent the night with Nancy and Greta took the little ones to their home.  Dee -- Lynn's mom, came in p.m. and then Greta came after me and we arrived home in good time.  The past week was warm and there was flooding along the Elkhorn and Platte Rivers -- much, much damage.
March 17, 1993:  Busy Bees at Ella Mae C.'s.  Ruby R. gave me a ride to club."

Odd that I don't remember Dane and Kyleah staying for this visit.  I remember them staying, but I thought it was after Rollie died.  So, either they stayed twice, or I am goofed up as to when they stayed exactly.  I remember they were no trouble at all and we had a pretty good time of it.  I was doing daycare already so I didn't have to bundle them up and drive them anywhere.  It all worked out okay.

The photo was well after 1993 but I wanted something with Dane and Kyleah in it.  I have a few ready with just Dane, but definitely need to find and scan more Kyleah photos.  I love Alicia's expression.  She looks to be checking on the birthday girl to be sure she's having a good time.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Slow week

"March 6, 1993:  Greta helped put Mitch's quilt in the frame.
March 10, 1993:  Went to WELCA.
March 12, 1993:  Pinochle Club at Arlene R.'s.  She's been taking Elsie J.'s place who is visiting Donna in California."

Worthwhile events, but just not a lot of pizazz here.  To add some pizazz, here's me with a macrame owl that I made, long hair, trendy wire rim glasses, kinda short shorts and knee highs.  Yowza.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Dreary weather

"March 1, 1993:  March came in like a lamb.
March 2, 1993:  Became a lion - cloudy weather, snow, etc.
During last of February and first part of March I pieced three everyday quilt tops for Arlene R.  She brought the material and in exchange quilted my quilt top, Pandora's Box."

I love the lamb/lion reference.  It only took a day to make the change, which in Nebraska is not all that surprising.

Here's another "kids on the car" shot.  I didn't get around to commenting on Nancy's comment when I posted the other one.  She said something about how the photo showed we bonded right away.  And I totally agree. I  just can't decide who is making who laugh in the two photos.  I think one started it, and then the other laughed, and then the other, and it just hasn't stopped yet.  I love Dale's jammies and my droopy diaper.  Fun times!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

More snow, no party

"February 20, 1993:  Snowed all day -- had between 10 and 12 inches of snow.
February 21, 1993:  Helen planned a brunch today for her birthday and Irene's.  Had to cancel plans because of all the snow. 
Last week of February had some temperatures in the 40's so that a few bare places showed."

Yikes.  A foot of snow.  We have had that recently enough that I remember it well.  No fun, but certainly survivable.  Sometimes it makes for a good day to stay home and organize old photographs.  Speaking of photographs, here's Grandpa teasing a dog.  Not sure which one.  Also not sure if it is just the photograph, but Grandpa's arms look really, really dark.  Not that they weren't during the summer, but . . .

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Cold, snow, ice

"February 17, 1993:  Busy Bees which was to meet with me was cancelled because of cold, snow and ice.
February 16, 1993:  Lester took me to Pierce - I saw Dr. Bell.  I have a touch of bronchitis -- he prescribed antibiotics.
February 19, 1993:  I didn't go to Pinochle Club at Laura J.'s -- still coughing too much."

Normal normal.  Not much for me to say here.  And here's an undated photo of Winide without ice and snow, not sure of the cold part.

Friday, August 17, 2012

A birthday and then a birthday again

"February 7, 1993:  Bill, Jenny, Jayme and Greta here for goose dinner for my birthday.  Had a pleasant afternoon playing cards.  Past week has been mild -- snow has melted so ground isn't all white as it's been since December 13.
February 10, 1993:  No Ladies Aid -- too cold.
February 14, 1993:  Tom, Merilyn, John and Helen here for the last of my birthday dinners.  Played cards in p.m.  Tom and Merilyn stayed at Helen's Sunday night.  Monday they went to Pierce and joined Dale Jaegers and Ernie Jaegers and went to Fort Randall to the casino."

Quite the year for Grandma's birthday.  And it wasn't a "big" number, like a multiple of 10 or even a five.  Works for me.  Way to go Grandma!

At first when I was reading Grandma's handwriting, I saw the goose dinner and then when I was "pleasant", at first I thought it said "pheasant".  I thought it was a real wild game day.

And here's a photo, for no particular reason, of Jayson and Jayme and some kitties.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Cards and then more cards

"January 31, 1993:  Nancy, Mary, Rick, Mitch, Greta and Lester here for dinner.  We gals played cards in p.m.
February 3, 1993:  TOPS Club went out for delayed Christmas party.  At a restaurant in Wayne south of Carhart Lumber Co.
February 5, 1993:  Pinochle Club with Elta J. -- she had the meeting at the Stop Inn."

Grandma doesn't mention that one of these days is a special day.  I suppose there were some cards involved there, too -- birthday cards.

Oh, and I like being called a "gal".

The photo isn't of a birthday, obviously, but there is cake.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A bit of this and that

"January 26, 1993:  Helen and I Scrabbled in p.m.
January 28, 1993:  Greta took Howard and me to see Irene in the evening.  She seemed pretty good.
January 30, 1993:  Brought amarylis up from basement."

Not a lot going on at the end of January 1993 but that's okay.  Not all excitement is good excitement.

Here's a photo of Aunt Irene and Aunt Marina.  I have to believe it was taken in the 1990s sometime after Aunt Irene went to live in Norfolk.  It is an especially nice shot of Aunt Marina.  I like that she is holding on to Aunt Irene -- she was a touchy person, but in a good way, even to we reserved Scandinavian types.  The picture also shows the sleigh bells, the mug rack and the bottom of the shelf that held the clock -- all things I remember with fondness.  And the chair Aunt Irene is sitting in, the one I always forget the name of.  Those were the days, right?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lots of driving

"January 22, 1993:  Had Pinochle Club here.  Tom brought John home from the hospital in p.m.  Tom here for supper.
January 24, 1993:  Greta, Howard and I to Lincoln for the January birthdays.  Howard and I had dinner at Nancy's.  Tom and Merilyn there, too.  In p.m. Nancy, Howard and I went to Dale's.  All the family there."

Plenty of driving around going on with fetching from the hospital and going to Lincoln.  January birthdays?  There's just the three of us (Jayson, Kyleah, myself), not like the 82 there are in July, so this was a nice thing. 

The photo is obviously from a different place and time, but it was the only picture I had handy of a birthday.  Plus it's pretty good of both Grandpa and Uncle Elmer, so that's a bonus.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Still in the hospital

"January 16, 1993:  Gaylord and Lois took Helen to Omaha.  John is at Clarkson Memorial Hospital in intensive care.  Doctor told Helen to go home -- she'd get sick too if she stayed.
January 17, 1993:  I called Nancy in a.m.  In p.m. she, Tom and Merilyn visited John.
January 20, 1993:  Snowed most of the day -- had 5 - 6 inches.  No wind to speak of so no drifts.  I was to have Busy Bees but meeting postponed until next month."

It was a rather tough spell for both Aunt Helen and Uncle John during these couple months.  To me such things seem even worse when they happen in the cold of winter.  Yikes.  I just realized that in a few days from this post I had my 31st birthday.  No wonder I can't remember some of this stuff -- that was eons ago.  31??  Heavens!

And just to make myself feel even older, here's a photo from high school where I was rockin' my red band uniform.  I loved that horn.  Even it is old now.  I need to go lay down and rest a bit . . .

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Something else I don't remember

"January 13, 1993:  Women of ELCA meeting.  It was too icy and cold for me to go."
January 14, 1992:  John and Helen took Howard along to Wayne so he could have his glasses adjusted.  While eating lunch John had a piece of chicken lodge in his esophagus.
January 15, 1993:  John went to doctor -- then to hospital and at 10:00 p.m. by ambulance to Omaha."

I feel badly that I don't recall Uncle John going to the hospital for choking on some food.  I do remember when Aunt Irene was choking at La Paz.  I think it was when we went out to eat after Dale and I graduated from UNL, but not sure.  Bill tried to do the Heimlich manuever but was unsuccessful.  Someone else in the restaurant took over and was able to dislodge the food.  I think Bill said something later about how he wasn't being forceful enough because it was his little aunt he was working on.

I think I used this photo before, but it was the only one handy that had Uncle John in it.  I figured he should be featured since he went to the hospital and all.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


"December 28, 1992:  Started to sleet in late afternoon.  So glad nothing like that happened over Christmas.  Marvin, Betty Ann, Dewey and Dorothea Jensen visited in p.m.
December 29 - 31, 1992:  Some sleet -- much colder -- on the 31st -- 8 degrees in morning - wind chill -30 degrees.  Brrr -- !
January 9, 1993:  Pinochle Club at Marie H.'s.  Arlene R. took me."

I don't even want to think of temperatures that low.  Even in the heat of August.  Yikes!  Not sure what else to add.  So, here's the other photo I have on hand of Uncle Elmer and Aunt Myrtle's place.  Other than having firecrackers blow up in my hand when I was little, I don't remember ever having a bad thought on this property.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Christmas and Post No. 200

"December 25, 1992:  Nancy and Tom came in the morning.  The whole family at Greta's for dinner.  Irene, too.  Merilyn came a little after dinner.  She drove the pick-up from Lincoln.  Tom and Merilyn stayed at Helen's.
December 26, 1992:  Tom, Merilyn and Howard in Tom's pick-up -- Nancy and I with John and Helen to casino at Onawa, Iowa.  No one a great winner.  Tom, Merilyn, Nancy, Howard and I played Pitch in evening.
December 27, 1992:  Tom and Merilyn went back to Lincoln about 8:00 a.m.  Nancy left at 2:30 or so."

Welcome to my 200th post.  Seems only yesterday I did the 100th post but actually it was about 100 days ago.

Nice that we had a good Christmas in 1992 with apparently good weather and good roads.  Still can't believe that I never got to go to a family casino trip.  I might have been the great winner.  Instead, here is a photo of Dale and I placing bets on a game of pool back in the day.  It almost looks like we are over-smiling because we got caught doing something we shouldn't have.  Like betting on a game of pool.  I should have been wearing a longer skirt, I think.  I like Dale's slacks, though. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Cookies galore!

"December 18, 1992:  Mailed last of Christmas cards today.
December 19, 1992:  Started on Christmas cookies -- 3 days for the baked ones -- over 970 cookies.  Snow still on ground from a week ago.
December 24, 1992:  Beautiful weather.  Helen, John, Greta, Lester, Dorothy Jo, Mary, Rick and Mitch here in evening for soup supper and gift exchange."

That's a LOT of cookies!  I thought, well, I'll find out how many dozen that is and then it won't sound like so many.  Wrong.  970 cookies is over 80 dozen.  That sounds like more to me, actually, than the number of cookies themselves.  I know I probably won't ever make that many in three days.  Well, not until I retire at least.

Here's a snowman we made in 1997.  He is still my absolute favorite snowman.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Surprise party

"December 14, 1992:  No TOPS tonite -- it was icy.
December 15, 1992:  Joni J.'s Cub Scouts came Christmas caroling after school.
December 16, 1992:  Made a cream pie for Howard for his birthday.  Busy Bees had the Christmas dinner at the Stop Inn.  Some of the friends at Schelly's had a surprise birthday party for Howard tonight.  Goldie S. baked an angel food cake.  John and Helen took Howard down for a birthday drink and got in on the party.  I didn't go -- didn't know about the surprise and was afraid of the icy streets."

I wonder if Grandma would have gone to the bar if she knew about the party to begin with.  I just can't see her setting foot in such an establishment.  Not that there is anything wrong with them, I just don't associate Grandma with bars at all.  I did like going to the bar when Walt Bleich had it and ordering Orange Crush or such with Grandpa.  But Grandma never took me there, pretty sure.

I remember caroling, not with Cub Scouts but with Luther League.  It was always fun, even if some kids didn't think so at the time.

For no real reason at all, here's a photo of the "home place".  I think that is what the generation that lived there as kids called it.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Christmas party and doll feasting

"December 12, 1992:  Nancy, Mary and Mitch came this morning.  In p.m. to Lois and Gaylord's.  Those present were Elmer, Myrtle, Lois's family (Dana had to work and couldn't come), Joan, Monte, Bob, Mary, Irene, Dorothy Jo, John, Helen, Greta, Mary, Mitch, Nancy, Howard and I.  Before coming home we drove through the campus of the college to view the Day Christmas lights.
December 13, 1992:  Nancy carried down gifts, decorations, etc. from upstairs.  Started to snow about 10:30 or 11:00.  Nancy, Mary and Mitch headed for Lincoln a little before 1:00.  Nancy home and unpacked by 4:00.  The snow ended at Wisner and rain from then on to Lincoln.  We had 2 to 3 inches of snow."

Gosh.  Another entry for the family Christmas already?  Time flies when you post about three entries a day and when Grandma hadn't written something for each and every day to begin with.  I do remember our drive through the campus to look at the lights.  Mitch was at a good age to enjoy it which made it even more fun.

Here's a 1962 Christmas photo of me with a Christmas doll where I am trying to prove what a big mouth I have by completely swallowing its head.  The dress is long gone, but I do believe that is the same doll I have sitting on a shelf in my dining room right now.  I have always loved those type of glasses Mom is wearing.  I want some the next time I get frames.  Retro is in, right?

Monday, August 6, 2012


"December 8, 1992:  Troops from United Nations and U.S. ready to go into Somalia to feed the starving people.  Got a permanent -- Howards' Christmas present for me.
December 9, 1992:  WELCA Christmas dinner today.  Helen and I played Scrabble afterward.
December 11, 1992:  Pinochle Club at Ida F.'s.  Arlene R. was a guest and took me to the meeting."

I find the December 8 post fascinating.  Not that Grandma didn't care or didn't pay attention to world events, but that she mentions so few in her little journal, yet she picked this event.  It wasn't until October 1993 that the Battle of Mogadishu occurred and actions there became known as "Black Hawk Down" happened.  It is nitce that I am learning a little history by looking up something I probably would not have thought about had it not been for this entry.

And here's a photo from 1977 totally unrelated to anything in Grandma's journal.  It looks like Grandpa is holding a manual for a mower and possibly Grandma is looking at the grass and thinking it really needs a good mowing.  Uncle Raymond is flipping the bird.  What a nutty picture!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Scrabble and cards

"December 2, 1992:  Helen and I played Scrabble in p.m.
December 3, 1992:  Started on Christmas cards and mailed a few.  Neil B. has been promoted to Major.
December 6, 1992:  Snowed all last night -- 4 to 5 inches.  No wind so was very pretty.  Helen and I Played Scrabble in p.m."

I don't think I've ever started on Christmas cards as early as December 3rd.  Somewhere in the teens is more my speed, but I have been known to push it to the 20's.  Glad the snow waited until after our Thanksgiving get-together.

You can see when this picture was developed, but the back of the photo indicates it was taken in November of 1961.  I like how Dale has his foot on Mom's foot -- cute!

Thanksgiving 1992

"November 26, 1992:  Sun shining!!!  Thanksgiving Day -- just the usual day.
November 28, 1992:  Nancy came this morning -- third day we've seen the sun all day.
November 29, 1992:  Nancy went after Irene and Greta and Lester took her home.  Irene, Nancy, Bill, Jenny, Jayson, Jayme, Mary, Rick, Mitch, Dale, Lynn, Dane, Kyleah, Helen, John and Greta here for our Thanksgiving dinner.  Cloudy but mild weather.  Tom & Merilyn went to Milwaukee for the long weekend."

Thanksgiving -- my favoritest holiday.  Great family time, great food, and less hectic than Christmas.  And a wholly American holiday.  Always a chance for nutty weather, but what can you do? 

This photo was taken in April 1973.  I am guessing that's a new stuffed animal and maybe this is Easter.  I think Jayson wants to get down.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Somewhat miserable all the way around

"November 18, 1992:  John and Helen went to Omaha for Helen to take tests because of her dizziness.  Helen H. had Busy Bees at Charlotte's -- cloudy and misty day.
November 19, 1992:  Raining or drizzle most of day.  Helen was sick again.  I stayed with her while John went to Norfolk for medication.
November 25, 1992:  As ot today -- only 26 hours of sunshine in the month of November."

So, Aunt Helen is still sick and it's rainy and drizzly in November.  Not my idea of a good time.  But still, it is very November-ish to be cloudy and drizzly.  But, in order to counteract such thoughts of clouds and not feeling well, here is a photo of four siblings being silly in hats.  You can thank me later.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

New glasses and quilt progress

"November 14, 1992:  Warren J. took Howard to Norfolk in a.m. to get his new glasses.  John put on storm windows in p.m.  Helen and I "Scrabbled".
November 15, 1992:  Went to church.  Started cutting out the pieces for Greta's green Storm at Sea quilt.
November 17, 1992:  Finished piecing the top of Nancy's Storm at Sea -- except for the border."

The Storm at Sea pattern looks confusing to me so I would have to have quilts of two totally different color schemes to pull that off without goofing it up, like maybe purple and lime green.  But Grandma was a pro, so blue and green schemes were probably no problem for her at all.

That's all I have, I'm afraid.  So instead of torturing my brain to think of more, I'll just post a photo of Mom smiling about the prospect of having a Storm at Sea quilt some day in the future.  I like the stylish bend of her knee there.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


"November 11, 1992:  Bonnie F. drove for me to Dr. Sprik at Norfolk.  My eyes haven't seemed to be any worse.
November 12, 1992:  Lila took Howard and me to Dr. James in a.m. for Howard to get new glasses.  He fell Monday night when taking the garbage out to the street.  Scratched lenses and bent frame of his glasses -- also has some nasty sores on forehead and nose -- a real pretty sight!!
November 13, 1992:  Pinochle at Ella M.'s -- I got low."

That first entry is verbatim how Grandma wrote it.  I don't think she proofread it, though. Or else it is proper English and I am not recognizing it as such.

I do seem to remember hearing about Grandpa's fall and messing up his glasses and such.  I thought I saw his war wounds but in looking at Grandma's entries, we weren't up all that soon after this happened.  So either I am thinking of something else, or he was still banged up when we all came up a couple of weeks later for Thanksgiving.  Either is possible, I suppose.

I don't have a photo of Grandpa all messed up, but here I am with a skinned nose.  Never mind how I got it.