Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Feeling bad for Aunt Irene

"April 17, 1993:  Helen and I played Scrabble in p.m.  Raymond and Marina called in a.m.  She will have heart surgery May 4.  During last night Irene fell -- her left eye is swollen shut.  She is in Lady of Lourdes Hospital.  Just a chance she had another slight stroke.
April 18, 1993:  Sunny all day -- then in evening thunder, lightning and rain.  Howard planted some onions.
April 19, 1993:  Rained during the night."

I should add that Aunt Marina wasn't having a fun time of it either.  I used this photo rather recently, but since it had both lovely ladies in it, I'm using it again.

(I had a doctor's appointment this morning and it threw off my whole routine.  Didn't even think about my daily post until a little while ago.  Getting old!)

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