Saturday, August 11, 2012


"December 28, 1992:  Started to sleet in late afternoon.  So glad nothing like that happened over Christmas.  Marvin, Betty Ann, Dewey and Dorothea Jensen visited in p.m.
December 29 - 31, 1992:  Some sleet -- much colder -- on the 31st -- 8 degrees in morning - wind chill -30 degrees.  Brrr -- !
January 9, 1993:  Pinochle Club at Marie H.'s.  Arlene R. took me."

I don't even want to think of temperatures that low.  Even in the heat of August.  Yikes!  Not sure what else to add.  So, here's the other photo I have on hand of Uncle Elmer and Aunt Myrtle's place.  Other than having firecrackers blow up in my hand when I was little, I don't remember ever having a bad thought on this property.

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