Saturday, June 30, 2012

Father's Day 1992

"June 21, 1992:  Father's Day.  Tom and Nancy here by 9:00.  Merilyn had to stay home and get ready to go on a business trip this week.  Dale, Lynn, Kyleah were here for dinner.  Greta was working at the stand for Old Settler's.  Mary and Mitch here for dinner.  Rick ate with Lester.  Dale drove me to the school parking lot and we watched the parade.  In the evening Pete and Pat Kropp came and visited.
June 23, 1992:  Greta and I to Norfolk - visited Irene and shopped a little."

Grandma doesn't say so, but I am betting we had a great day.

All those kids around and only Dale and Grandma got to watch the parade?  But then, the kids were pretty young -- maybe sitting still wasn't their thing that day.

Here's a photo of how our little group came to be gathering together on Father's Day in 1992.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Shoes and peas and no more paint

"June 18, 1992:  Got a permanent.  Omar worked on west side.  Howard got a new pair of Wolverine shoes from Oberle's.  $48.50 + $2.43 tax = $50.93.
June 19, 1992:  The painting was finished today.
June 20, 1992:  Rick, Mary, Mitch and Dane here in late afternoon.  Mary picked peas."

Well, I don't recall going up so soon after the painting was done, but I imagine we stood and admired it and ooooed and aaaaahed appropriately.  I also don't remember bringing up Dane without Kyleah.  I believe I have blocked out picking peas.  Love peas, love to pop pods, do not relish picking them.  If the vines and leaves were a different color from the peas themselves it would help a lot, but apparently God enjoys watching us struggle with peas.  But the reward is well worth it.

Since Grandma mentioned her and Grandpa's anniversary a few posts ago, I thought I would add these very funny photos.  I don't know that they were taken in succession and I never saw Grandpa scowl so at something Grandma said or did (unless he was teasing), but the two pics look great one after the other.  It appears as though Grandma was hollering for someone or something and then she is satisfied while Grandpa looks disgusted.  Funny stuff.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Painting, no painting, more painting

"June 15, 1992:  Omar worked on west side of house.  Had 1.5 inches of rain in evening and during the night.
June 16, 1992:  No painting.  One inch of rain in evening.
June 17, 1992:  Omar came in p.m.  I finished painting the screens."

Again with the screens, but then there are quite a good number of windows in that house.

I am drawing a blank here, so I will just post a photo of two of the cutest kids in the world being cute by just standing there and looking cute.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Slumber party

"June 12, 1992:  Worked on west side of house.  Nancy and Jenny came -- slept at Greta's.
June 13, 1992:  Nancy and Jenny cleaned -- Jenny did the kitchen and Nancy the living and dining room.  Washed the curtains and they came out perfectly.
June 14, 1992:  New potatoes for dinner.  Went to Helen's and got boxes of Irene's for Nancy and Merilyn's garage sale.  Nancy and Jenny left early in afternoon."

I wonder how much laughing and carrying on occurred the night of June 12, 1992 at Mom's house.

New potatoes on June 14?!  Wasn't Grandpa's goal to have them ready in time for Mom's birthday?  Nicely done.  Maybe that big snow helped somehow.

Photo of the garden -- I am still impressed how Grandpa kept such a great garden going year after year.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

California bound

"June 9, 1992:  Helen and John left for California.
June 10, 1992:  ELCA brunch at St. Paul's in Wayne.  Irene M. took Nelle T., Marie H., Joy M. and me.  ELCA meeting at Rose T.'s; I served lunch.  TOPS had installation and ate out at China Gate in Norfolk.  Omar paitned primer coat on north side of house.
June 11, 1992:  Painted second coat on north side of house."

This isn't when Uncle John and Aunt Helen moved back permanently, just a visit.

June 10 was a very busy day.  I bet Grandma slept well that night.  I know I would have.

Here's the only photo I think I have scanned with Uncle John in it.  For that reason I thought it a good one to post but also because the 4th is coming up and this was taken at a 4th gathering.  There's Mitch and Christopher in the middle.  I seem to remember they hung out a good bit that year.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Fun anniversary

"June 6, 1992:  Greta set out rest of flowers south of living room.  I baked three kinds of cookies.
June 7, 1992:  Our 56th anniversary -- just stayed home - toured the garden!!
June 8, 1991:  Damp and foggy."

Love it.  Can you imagine the conversation leading up to celebrating 56 years by touring the garden?  I envision a giggle and a chuckle at the outrageous nature of it all.  And then the next day -- damp and foggy.  Like all the excitement and sunshine for the week was used up and there was nothing left over.

I don't know the occasion here, but I am guessing anniversary since both Grandma and Grandpa have flowers.  Also do not know if I've used this photo before, but I couldn't help using it again.  Those are the expressions I envision as being possible during that garden tour conversation.

Monday will be late, check back

Grandma's book is in the car, I think.  Or at home.  Either way, we are talking this p.m. at the very earliest, or possibly this evening for a post.  Keep thinking good thoughts and find out the gingko bilobo supplier in the area.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

More paint, more Pinochle

"June 3, 1992:  Mrs. Spahr and her sister-in-law sanded front of house and above porch -- had some complicated scaffolding.  Painted primer coat.
June 4, 1992:  The two gals put on second coats above porch and above windows.  I painted screens morning and afternoon.
June 5, 1992:  Omar Spahr finished front of house --painted screen door, too.  Pinochle Club at Elsie J.'s.  Some rain in evening."

I see Grandma had grown weary of reporting on the number of screens or else she painted too many to count.

I had more typed for this post and then my internet went out and I couldn't save my changes.  That was, gosh, at least an hour ago and now I can't remember what I had added here.  Time to go buy some ginko bilobo, or whatever that stuff is.

Since Grussmother helped design the house, I thought I'd put her picture here.  She is on the left and that is her sister Martha with her.  Her input was interior and didn't affect what was being painted in 1992, but she deserves a shout out anyway.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Rain and common sense

"May 31, 1992:  Painted north steps.
June 1, 1992:  Slow rain all day -- amounted to about 3/4 inch.  Helen came and we Scrabbled in p.m.
June 2, 1992:  Clear -- I took Myrtle to Wilva's for a hair cut."

She doesn't say so, but I am pretty sure the rain probably interrupted the painting.  And regardless of weather, it's always a good day to play Scrabble.

It is a little strange for me to read about Grandma driving.  I know she did, of course, but it seemed so long that she didn't any more.  It was nice that she decided on her own, rather than having that taken away by the DMV or concerned family members.  As I recall, Grandma had an accident that spooked her and she was afraid she may hurt herself or someone else due to her vision, and so she stopped driving.  Common sense.  Like she was about leaving the house in Winside.  It wasn't practical, she said, for her to be there and have Mom have to mow and scoop and such.  So, she started putting things in motion to sell the house and move to Lincoln.  Common sense.  I don't know about the decision to quit driving, but I can safely bet the farm she did not regret moving to The Pioneer House.  There she had seven floors of new friends just an elevator ride away.

And here's a photo of Grandma doing something else that made sense -- continuing her education and teaching career once the kids were old enough that she could do that.  We need more common sense these days if you ask me.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Sand, primer, paint, dog

"May 29, 1992:  Sanded on north porch and put primer on.
May 30, 1992:  Final coat on north side of back porch and primer on east side of bathroom.  Greta planted flowers for me on east side of house and next to street.  I planted flowers in the planter."

More painting news as it was still worth mentioning in Grandma's mind.  Of course, it sounds like they are doing it totally differently than I would but I must learn to not be a paint control freak, especially after the fact.

Photo has nothing to do with anything, but I believe it is one of few childhood photos of Tom where he is smiling.  (Sorry, Tom.  Just have to pick on you a bit every now and then.)  Someone will have to tell me where this was taken and what the dog's name was.  Enquiring minds . . .

Thursday, June 21, 2012

More painting and saving the garden

"May 26, 1992:  South side of front porch sanded.  A light frost.  Greta covered the tomato plants, etc. with towels.
May 27, 1992:  Primer coat put on porch.
May 28, 1992:  Final coat on south porch and sanded on north side of house.  I painted three screens."

Two things I love about these entries.  One, that Grandma made a mention of Mom covering plants with towels.  Not sheets, but towels.  Would have worked to just say she covered them, period.  Nope.  Towels.  Two, that Grandma painted three screens.  Not, "I painted some screens", or "a few screens", but three.  Very Grandma-ish.

And for no particular reason, here's a photo of Grandma (in the middle) with friends, maybe?  I do not know who the other two are.  I like their shoes and shiny hose.  Also, Grandma's face looks very much like the one I see in the mirror, or did when I was younger anyway.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Flowers and the Legion Hall

"May 23, 1992:  Nancy came this morning.  She turned the mattress and took off the dust ruffle to be washed.  Alumni Banquet in evening.  Played cards with Greta afterwards.
May 24, 1992:  Took the silk flowers to the cemetery this p.m.
May 25, 1992:  Cold and windy.  Nancy and I and Greta ate dinner at the Legion Hall.  Then to Norfolk to visit Irene.  Nancy left for Lincoln about 5:00."

Busy morning for me, so I am going to let this one stand without comment.  Should be back on track tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

More progress

"May 20, 1992:  Primer coat put on.  I painted three screens.
May 31, 1992:  Foggy and damp -- no painting.
May 22, 1992:  Still cloudy and trying to rain. Pinochle Club at Laura J.'s."

I can completely relate so I am going to throw in some foreshadowing here -- a fair amount of detail coming in the days ahead about the painting.  I can relate because fresh paint is a glorious thing and I can appreciate Grandma's excitement about having the house painted.  I do not remember how badly the house needed it, but fresh paint can make an ugly pig look good.  Well, maybe that's a bad example but paint does wonders for structures anyway.

Here's a photo of Nancy and me, both excited about the prospects of fresh paint being applied somewhere in the world at that very moment.  Geesh, looking more closely at that, I can rather see who Mitch got his shapely baby legs from.

Monday, June 18, 2012

A start to the house painting

"May 16, 1992:  Had a good rain last night -- over an inch.  Lester took me to Wayne and I bought the rest of the paint for the house.
May 18, 1992:  Went to Wakefield with Lila -- bought flower plants, etc.  Mrs. Spahr came today and started sanding on the east side of the house.
May 19, 1992:  East side all sanded today."\\

Not sure of the spelling of the painter's name but I know Grandma and Grandpa were very pleased with her work.  There are photos somewhere of her up on scaffolding.  The front of the house, I think, but am not sure.

Looks like the one column in this picture needed some paint, too.  Anyone know what happened to the sign on the house there?  I am guessing it said "The Iversens".  I like this photo -- Dale and I are sharing a giggle.  Mom, uncharacteristically, looks a little impatient.  Her fist is even balling up a bit.  Subconsciously, I'm sure.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Excitement all around

"May 12, 1992:  Election Day.  Windy -- seems as if the last two weeks have been unusally windy.  Had air conditioner in car fixed.  It needed freon and a new fuse.
May 13, 1992:  Pentecost breakfast at church.
May 15, 1992:  Finished quilting the shadow box quilt."

Well, this is a little more exciting.  On a personal note, before 8:45 this morning, I had unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, made a pasta salad, baked some crabapple bread, helped unclog a floor drain and coerced a ewe into going back in the pen.  After spending a good part of yesterday out in the humidity helping grind old tree stumps.  So on that note, I am going to sign off and go take a shower.  Grandpa's expression rather sums up my feelings at the moment.  Well, not really, but that shower is going to feel great.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Mother's Day, probably

"May 8, 1992:  Pinochle Club at Elta J.'s.  Had onions and radishes from garden.
May 9, 1992:  Greta, Howard and I to Bob Andersen's in evening for Michelle's college graduation.  Tom, Merilyn, Nancy and Rick came, too.
May 10, 1992:  Left at 6:00 for Lincoln.  Rick had stayed all night at Greta's and drove to Lincoln -- a real treat for Greta.  Howard and I went to Nancy's.  Greta to Rick and Mary's.  The family gathered in the p.m.  Had a lunch of chips, sandwiches, salads, rhubarb cake and rhubarb crunch.  Mary had made some "munchies" to nibble on during afternoon.  All of family there except Lester and Lynn.  We drew names for Christmas.  Home by a little after 9 p.m.  Drove in several rainy spells.  Hadn't had much at home."

I suppose I could find something on the net to confirm whether May 10, 1992 was Mother's Day or not, but I would bet the farm on it.  I wish I knew what munchies I made that warranted a journal mention.  I am guessing they must have been fantabulous.

I very well remember the years of drawing names for Christmas and how certain names were met with silent groans.  And how one of those (Bill, of course) put his name on all the slips so everyone was drawing his name.  It took a married couple to compare notes before the ruse was discovered.  On the funniness meter, that episode is right up with there with some of the stealing and grabbing that takes place no instead of drawing names.  Dale suggested the change, I think.  An excellent idea.

The photo is a catch-up from a previous post (1990, actually).  It is the Centennial quilt that Grandma worked on, as well as the quilting ladies, of course.  It has embroidered squares of buildings and scenes in Winside.

Friday, June 15, 2012


"May 4, 1992:  Arlene R. helped quilt in p.m.
May 5, 1992:  Arlene P. and Lila H. halped quilt in p.m.
May 6, 1992: Bertha R. came in p.m. to quilt."

Omigosh.  You would think an 80 year old woman in a town of 420 would having something shocking and exciting to report every now and then.  Seriously, I am guessing Grandma thoroughly enjoyed three straight days of quilting.  I rather wish I had visited at least one quilting session to watch and learn.

Here, for no particular reason, is a photo of Tom and Dale and me.  Aren't we all just adorable?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Potato survival

"April 30, 1992:  Arlene R. came again to quilt.  90 degrees in p.m. and had to use ceiling fan.  Potatoes are coming up.
May 2, 1992:  Played Scrabble in p.m. with Helen.
May 3, 1992:  Went to church."

As alluded to earlier, the garden apparently survived the snowstorm.  Funny Nebraska weather -- 90 degrees and a snow storm in the same month.

Interesting how Grandma mentioned church.  I am sure she went more often than she has noted it in her journal.

Not sure why I am picking this photo of Grandpa and the birdbath.  Looks like he's playing with ice cubes, but I bet that's not it.  The top of that birdbath broke and even though I patched it and managed to get a bit more use out of it, eventually it gave out.  I do have the base however.  Might have to put a gazing ball on it since trying to get a top to match may not work.  Would probably look okay to the casual observer, but I would know it wasn't the original.  I'm silly that way.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

You'll never guess.....quilting!

"April 25, 1992:  Greta and I to Norfolk in p.m. to visit Irene. We did a little shopping.
April 26, 1992:  Marked the shadow box quilt.
April 27, 1992:  Arlene R. helped put the quilt in the frame and then helped quilt."

I am pretty sure the photo is of a shadow box quilt, if not necessarily the shadow box quilt.  I think it looks fabulous.  Other than that, I'm running on empty here.  Hopefully I will be more inspired tomorrow.  Stay with me.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Getting ready to paint the house

"April 22, 1992:  Phyllis came in p.m. to clean.  School didn't start until 10:15.
April 23, 1992:  Lester took me to Wayne and we got the primer to paint the house -- 10 gals.  Cost $146.90.
April 24, 1992:  I had Pinochle Club."

I looked ahead and can't see that the house was painted very soon after April 23, so maybe my title is a bit optimistic.  As much as I like to paint, I am really glad I never painted that house.  Would certainly have given it the good ol' college try but . . . wow.  Quite a job.  And as it was, the paint was still drying in Grandma's unit in the Pioneer House when she made that first trip down from the elevator.  So, I probably would not have been a good painting candidate for several reasons.  Speaking of the Pioneer House, here's a photo of Grandma and Anna at the Pioneer House.  And Maude, too.  And Grandma's pour-me-out chair.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Easter and then snow

"April 19, 1992:  Nancy, Dane and I went to Easter sunrise services.  Greta, Mary and Mitch were there, too.  To Greta's for dinner.  Everyone there except Jayson.  Helen and and John there, too.
April 20, 1992:  Started to snow in p.m.  Snowed and blew all night.
April 21, 1992:  No school today -- schools closed all over northeast Nebraska and in to Iowa.  We had between 6 and 10 inches of snow.  The garden was completely covered.  Snow plow out in p.m."

Well, the snow started on Monday so likely we were all home safe and sound before then.  There have been more than a couple of times when the rides back to Lincoln from Winside included the unwanted addition of snow and/or ice.  I can't believe many of those were during April, though.  The poor garden.  (I did look ahead and can assure all that the garden was not a complete loss.)  What a great excuse for a snow picture for an April post that is being posted in June!  I can't remember which photo I've used before, so I'll just post both of these.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Casino visit

"April 16, 1992:  Tom, Merilyn and Rick came in evening.  Tom's stayed with Helen and John.
April 17, 1992:  Rick, Tom, Merilyn and Howard went to Fort Randall to the casino.
April 18, 1992:  Nancy and Dane came at noon.  Tom fixed the stairway handrail so it doesn't wobble."

I am thinking Rick must have not been back to work yet from his accident, otherwise he would not have been available for a casino run.  I don't think he ever took vacation for just a weekend jaunt.  Grandma doesn't report how everybody did.

Not that Dane wasn't always fun, but he would have been three and a half years old at this time -- probably reading the paper aloud and calculating the odds of winning at a casino.

And here, for no particular reason, is a stunning photo from Dale's confirmation.  I think we all look great!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Cards and Scrabble, but no meteor

"April 10, 1992:  Pinochle Club at Stop Inn -- Marie H. hostess.
April 12, 1992:  Played Scrabble in p.m. with Helen.
April 15, 1992:  Busy Bees at Irene M.'s.  Helen was sick so I presented her lesson.  We decorated Easter baskets."

Such a drought lately.  It would have been nice for me if a meteor fell on the football field or the town's water turned orange or people suddenly started skipping everywhere they went.  Then I would have something meaty to write about.  But I guess one of the things people like about Winside is that it's quiet and peaceful.  Maybe that's why Papa (left) and his brother James decided to live and have a business there.  But then again, Papa was going to move the family out to Gordon.  And we would have been Sandhills folk but we wouldn't have been us because Grandma probably wouldn't have ended up marrying Grandpa. 

I better quit since it's getting weird now.  Happy trails!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Rather somber news

April 8, 1992:  No LCW today.  Stanley Soden died Monday and his funeral is tomorrow.
April 7, 1992:  Wilva had surgery -- cancer in the left breast.
April 9 - 14, 1992:  Quilted crazy patch quilt #3.

A tough week up in Winside.  I wonder how many funerals have taken place in our church over the years.  I know I've been to more than a few myself.  Wilva pulled through, but I do not know if she had more troubles with cancer after 1992.  At least the quilting was a normal, likely comforting, activity for those involved.

Here's a photo of Grandma and Uncle Ray's dog to lighten the mood.  I think Mom and Nancy said his name was Bumps.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fizzle, fizzle, fizzle

"April 4, 1992:  Wilva gave me another permanent -- the one a month ago was a fizzle.
April 5, 1992:  Finished quilting the brick variation.  Played Scrabble at Helen's in p.m.
April 3, 1992:  Howard cut down what was left of the apricot tree west of the house.  Some radishes and onions are coming up."

I don't remember ever hearing Grandma describe anything as a fizzle.  I think it will be my word of the month. 

I remember an apricot tree north of the house, but not one to the west.  I bet if someone reminds me, I'll know what Grandma was talking about.

That's all I have and I am late to boot.  Sorry about that.  My photo is of some folks who may have enjoyed apricots from that tree.  Love the addition of the fern.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

April Fools' Day

"March 30, 1992:  Quilted at church.
March 31, 1992:  Finished the quilt at church by 2:00.  Lois K., Bertha and Arlene P. came and helped me quilt for the rest of the afternoon. 
April 1, 1992:  Howard didn't fool me today."

Boy would I like to know if Grandpa tried anything on April Fools' Day and what it was. 

March 31 is confusing to me.  I am sure it makes sense if you know what went on but I am not getting how you finish and then keep going for the rest of the afternoon.  I love that Grandma noted what time the quilting was done.

I probably would have saved the photos from yesterday and used them today if I had read ahead.  They seem to fit today's post better.  But instead I have this priceless photo from 1972.  Other than wondering who took it, I have no comment.  Well, okay . . . I am totally liking Dale's cuffed shorts and red(?) socks.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Visit to Aunt Irene

"March 28, 1992:  Mary, Rick and Mitch at Greta's for the weekend.
March 29, 1992:  To Norfolk with Helen and John to visit Irene.  She seems to be quite congested.
March 30, 1992:  Quilted at church.  To Scholarship meeting in the evening."

The meeting Grandma is talking about is the Winside scholarship foundation -- an idea that came a decade too late for me to take advantage of.  Seriously, I am glad it came to fruition and is helping students.  Grandma was a charter member.  Or whatever the proper word is . . . she was there at the very beginning is my point.

Since I am at a bit of a loss here, I am going to post photos I have been dying to use.  No explanation necessary.

I love how Aunt Irene stylishly has the tag poking out by her cheek.

Monday, June 4, 2012


"March 23 and 24, 1992:  Quilted at the church in p.m.
March 24, 1992:  Howard planted 36 hills of potatoes.
March 25, 1992:  Arlene R. hlped me quilt.
March 27, 1992:  Pinochle Club at Ida's.  I won high prize."

Potatoes. Potatoes! Potatoes!!  I wonder how many pounds of potatoes were planted in and how many pounds were eventually eaten from Grandpa's garden.  Grandpa would sometimes count the potatoes from a hill when he dug them up.  Well, when someone else dug and he stood and watched the counting.  He would act all matter-of-fact when it seemed all were found but then another one showed itself.  As if to say, "Of course there are more.  These are my potatoes."  But it was all a big act and great fun.  I wish the greatgrands would have had more experiences with Grandpa and the garden.

Here's a photo of Grandpa, The Potato Stud.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I never saw a planter

"March 17, 1992:  Busy Bees at Stop Inn.  Lea A. was hostess.
March 21, 1992:  Put brick variation quilt in frame.  Greta went to Norfolk.  I asked her to get a planter for Howard to plant garden.
March 22, 1992:  Put the planter together and Howard planted peas."

What the heck is a planter and why didn't we have one when I helped plant the garden?  Seriously, I didn't mind planting peas but I do not know what you can buy to help.  I am guessing something on wheels but that's as far as I get before my imagination runs out.  I never remember seeing this thing after March 22, 1992.

Here's a photo of Grandma Anna, Mom and Bill that I don't remember seeing before.  In fact, I haven't seen a photo of Bill when he was that young, I don't think.  Cute little bugger.  He has some plump little legs considering he was next to nothing when he was born.  I chose this one because I think Grandma Anna's clematis that was drug from Winside to Lincoln and now out to the country is going to bloom this year.  At the end of the season it will still be a far cry from its heyday in Winside, but maybe I can find some information on clematis care and give it a boost.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

More scrabble, more quilting

"March 15, 1992:  Amarylis that Tom's gave to me several years ago is blooming -- 4 big blooms on one stem.
March 16, 1992:  Helen and I played Scrabble in p.m.
March 17, 1992:  Finished piecing the Shadow Box quilt top."

I am pretty sure I remember an amarylis going crazy with blooms.  Whether it was this one or not, I'm not sure.  Seems the one I am thinking of had to have some kind of support or it would fall over.

I know she didn't miss them, but I did.  Grown-up kids do, but younger ones probably don't know that Grandma used to have lots of plants in the bay window on the front of the house.  I honestly do not remember what kinds she had but only that there were lots of different ones.  She grew tired of caring for them and I understand that completely (over 20 violets I had at one time...yikes) but I was sad to see the live plants go and the artificial ones come in.  I used to have to be careful around those plants when I was plucking up box elders bugs and dropping them in a mason jar of oil to kill them.  And of course, Jack famously used at least one plant for a litter box.  Or tried to anyway.  Maybe that was the icing on the cake for Grandma to not have live plants with dirt anymore.  I wish I had a photo, but I don't.

Since there was a mention of Grandpa planting the garden in the last post, I'll put a photo up that is the best I've found lately showing the size of his garden and it is still not showing at least a third of it.  I wonder how many hours he spent each year keeping that thing looking so good.

Friday, June 1, 2012

A trip to Lincoln

March 14 - 15, 1992:  Greta and I went to Lincoln.  Greta stayed at Dale's.  I stayed with Mary and Rick.  All of us met at Valentino's for brunch at 10:30.  Then in p.m. to Nancy's.  Bill and Jenny and Jayme came in p.m.  I took garage sale "junk" to Nancy's from the cupboards in kitchen and porch.  Connie and her husband were staying at Nancy's.  Dryer is on the blink again.
March 15, 1992:  Howard planted onions and radishes."

I don't know if Grandma attended any of Nancy's garage sales once she moved to Lincoln, but I hope she did because they were great fun.  I think Tom even enjoyed them.  You know you are doing something right when people say they look for the sign each garage sale season and hop right over when they know you are having one.  No one made any grand fortunes, but we sure had a time of it.  And happy to have our stuff find new homes.

Here is a photo of Nancy with an expression similar to the one she wears when I don't have my post up in a timely fashion, like today.  (I had the uncomplimentary one of Mom being angry, so I felt I had to do this to even things out.)