Saturday, June 16, 2012

Mother's Day, probably

"May 8, 1992:  Pinochle Club at Elta J.'s.  Had onions and radishes from garden.
May 9, 1992:  Greta, Howard and I to Bob Andersen's in evening for Michelle's college graduation.  Tom, Merilyn, Nancy and Rick came, too.
May 10, 1992:  Left at 6:00 for Lincoln.  Rick had stayed all night at Greta's and drove to Lincoln -- a real treat for Greta.  Howard and I went to Nancy's.  Greta to Rick and Mary's.  The family gathered in the p.m.  Had a lunch of chips, sandwiches, salads, rhubarb cake and rhubarb crunch.  Mary had made some "munchies" to nibble on during afternoon.  All of family there except Lester and Lynn.  We drew names for Christmas.  Home by a little after 9 p.m.  Drove in several rainy spells.  Hadn't had much at home."

I suppose I could find something on the net to confirm whether May 10, 1992 was Mother's Day or not, but I would bet the farm on it.  I wish I knew what munchies I made that warranted a journal mention.  I am guessing they must have been fantabulous.

I very well remember the years of drawing names for Christmas and how certain names were met with silent groans.  And how one of those (Bill, of course) put his name on all the slips so everyone was drawing his name.  It took a married couple to compare notes before the ruse was discovered.  On the funniness meter, that episode is right up with there with some of the stealing and grabbing that takes place no instead of drawing names.  Dale suggested the change, I think.  An excellent idea.

The photo is a catch-up from a previous post (1990, actually).  It is the Centennial quilt that Grandma worked on, as well as the quilting ladies, of course.  It has embroidered squares of buildings and scenes in Winside.

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