Friday, June 8, 2012

Rather somber news

April 8, 1992:  No LCW today.  Stanley Soden died Monday and his funeral is tomorrow.
April 7, 1992:  Wilva had surgery -- cancer in the left breast.
April 9 - 14, 1992:  Quilted crazy patch quilt #3.

A tough week up in Winside.  I wonder how many funerals have taken place in our church over the years.  I know I've been to more than a few myself.  Wilva pulled through, but I do not know if she had more troubles with cancer after 1992.  At least the quilting was a normal, likely comforting, activity for those involved.

Here's a photo of Grandma and Uncle Ray's dog to lighten the mood.  I think Mom and Nancy said his name was Bumps.

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