Sunday, June 3, 2012

I never saw a planter

"March 17, 1992:  Busy Bees at Stop Inn.  Lea A. was hostess.
March 21, 1992:  Put brick variation quilt in frame.  Greta went to Norfolk.  I asked her to get a planter for Howard to plant garden.
March 22, 1992:  Put the planter together and Howard planted peas."

What the heck is a planter and why didn't we have one when I helped plant the garden?  Seriously, I didn't mind planting peas but I do not know what you can buy to help.  I am guessing something on wheels but that's as far as I get before my imagination runs out.  I never remember seeing this thing after March 22, 1992.

Here's a photo of Grandma Anna, Mom and Bill that I don't remember seeing before.  In fact, I haven't seen a photo of Bill when he was that young, I don't think.  Cute little bugger.  He has some plump little legs considering he was next to nothing when he was born.  I chose this one because I think Grandma Anna's clematis that was drug from Winside to Lincoln and now out to the country is going to bloom this year.  At the end of the season it will still be a far cry from its heyday in Winside, but maybe I can find some information on clematis care and give it a boost.

1 comment:

  1. I remember the planter as one of those things that never works as good as the ads say. If I remember correctly it never dropped the seeds like it should.
    Yes Bill is a cute little bugger.
