Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Flowers and the Legion Hall

"May 23, 1992:  Nancy came this morning.  She turned the mattress and took off the dust ruffle to be washed.  Alumni Banquet in evening.  Played cards with Greta afterwards.
May 24, 1992:  Took the silk flowers to the cemetery this p.m.
May 25, 1992:  Cold and windy.  Nancy and I and Greta ate dinner at the Legion Hall.  Then to Norfolk to visit Irene.  Nancy left for Lincoln about 5:00."

Busy morning for me, so I am going to let this one stand without comment.  Should be back on track tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Do you suppose this was taken at Aunt Irene's office? Doesn't she look great and so happy. This is how I remember her.
