Monday, June 11, 2012

Easter and then snow

"April 19, 1992:  Nancy, Dane and I went to Easter sunrise services.  Greta, Mary and Mitch were there, too.  To Greta's for dinner.  Everyone there except Jayson.  Helen and and John there, too.
April 20, 1992:  Started to snow in p.m.  Snowed and blew all night.
April 21, 1992:  No school today -- schools closed all over northeast Nebraska and in to Iowa.  We had between 6 and 10 inches of snow.  The garden was completely covered.  Snow plow out in p.m."

Well, the snow started on Monday so likely we were all home safe and sound before then.  There have been more than a couple of times when the rides back to Lincoln from Winside included the unwanted addition of snow and/or ice.  I can't believe many of those were during April, though.  The poor garden.  (I did look ahead and can assure all that the garden was not a complete loss.)  What a great excuse for a snow picture for an April post that is being posted in June!  I can't remember which photo I've used before, so I'll just post both of these.

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