Thursday, June 14, 2012

Potato survival

"April 30, 1992:  Arlene R. came again to quilt.  90 degrees in p.m. and had to use ceiling fan.  Potatoes are coming up.
May 2, 1992:  Played Scrabble in p.m. with Helen.
May 3, 1992:  Went to church."

As alluded to earlier, the garden apparently survived the snowstorm.  Funny Nebraska weather -- 90 degrees and a snow storm in the same month.

Interesting how Grandma mentioned church.  I am sure she went more often than she has noted it in her journal.

Not sure why I am picking this photo of Grandpa and the birdbath.  Looks like he's playing with ice cubes, but I bet that's not it.  The top of that birdbath broke and even though I patched it and managed to get a bit more use out of it, eventually it gave out.  I do have the base however.  Might have to put a gazing ball on it since trying to get a top to match may not work.  Would probably look okay to the casual observer, but I would know it wasn't the original.  I'm silly that way.

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