Monday, August 6, 2012


"December 8, 1992:  Troops from United Nations and U.S. ready to go into Somalia to feed the starving people.  Got a permanent -- Howards' Christmas present for me.
December 9, 1992:  WELCA Christmas dinner today.  Helen and I played Scrabble afterward.
December 11, 1992:  Pinochle Club at Ida F.'s.  Arlene R. was a guest and took me to the meeting."

I find the December 8 post fascinating.  Not that Grandma didn't care or didn't pay attention to world events, but that she mentions so few in her little journal, yet she picked this event.  It wasn't until October 1993 that the Battle of Mogadishu occurred and actions there became known as "Black Hawk Down" happened.  It is nitce that I am learning a little history by looking up something I probably would not have thought about had it not been for this entry.

And here's a photo from 1977 totally unrelated to anything in Grandma's journal.  It looks like Grandpa is holding a manual for a mower and possibly Grandma is looking at the grass and thinking it really needs a good mowing.  Uncle Raymond is flipping the bird.  What a nutty picture!

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