"February 26, 1991: Helen and John took us to the doctor. Howard's blood pressure is down but he has to take pills. Stopped to see Irene. She looked terrible.
March 2, 1991: Nancy came about 6:00 and we went to see Irene. She is in Intensive Care Unit -- has pneumonia. She can hardly talk. Tom and Merilyn were there, too. After leaving Irene we went to Valentino's to eat."
Only cheery news here is that Grandpa's blood pressure was down. Otherwise, a fairly dreary entry.
To counter that a bit, I am going to include here an article regarding the senior class play put on by the Winside High School class of 1920. There are a couple of parts I think Aunt Irene probably found a bit humorous.
Senior Class Play Draws Record Breaking Crowd
With every seat occcupied and even standing room
unavailable the Senior Class of 1920 presented
"All A Mistake" to one of the largest crowds ever
gathered at the Auditorium.
The play was produced in a most commendable
and creditable manner, despite the fact that this
school has a limited number of "artists" to choose
from. All the members of the cast did so well it
would scarcely be justifiable to particularly mention
any one individual whose part may have been
"heavier" than others. The play was a three act
Farce-Comedy. The principals in the cast were:
Homer Smith, Russell Henderson, Meredith
Halpin, Charles Unger, Irene Iversen, Ruth
Needham, Beatrice Motson and Alice Bauermeister.
I thought the mention of limited talent and heavier roles is chuckle-worthy. It is a good review, however. It would be fun to try to locate this particular play and see what all the fun was about.
I think I may have used this picture before, but felt it a good one to use anyway.
Oh, here is another article about the play, obviously earlier in time than the one above.
"All A Mistake", which will be produced by the
senior class of the Winside High School at the
auditorium Tuesday, May 18 is a face-comedy,
that has not only proven a big success on the road,
but has the enviable reputation of having been
repeated time and again at various places where it has
been played. It is a play that is guaranteed to make
the most pronounced pessimist laugh and if you have
never laughed before in your life and really desire to
laugh let the seniors work on your humor next Tuesday
night. The principals of the cast have been rehearsing
diligently for the past three weeks under competent
instructors and they expect to make things look "real"
to the audience. The play will begin at 8 o'clock.
Admission 65 cents. Seats can be reserved at the drug
"Never laughed before in your life"? Creative journalism at its best. But we know this kind of hype worked due to the later report of a record breaking crowd. Congrats to the Class of 1920!!
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