Sunday, September 30, 2012

Being alert is overrated

"January 17, 1994:  Cold -- earthquake in California.
January 18, 1994:  Cold -- not above zero all day; wind chill -30 degrees.
January 19, 1994:  Cold.  No Busy Bees.
January 20, 1994:  John and Helen here in p.m.  Helen and I played Scrabble.  Rose T. came home from hospital."

Confession time -- I seriously dozed off in the midst of composing the last entry.  So after I came around, I fed the cats, released the guineas and tended to the ducks.  (Dogs were fed earlier.)  Now I am more alert.  There is an orange cat that is trying to adopt us even though Tony, the previously house-bound but apparently very territorial cat, keeps chasing it off.  I know this happens because there is much kitty growling and screeching going on during the event.  Poor orange cat -- I looked out the upstairs window yesterday and saw that even the wild turkeys give it grief.  They were closing in on it and it was slinking away when I saw them.

Back to 1994 -- I had to keep going with entries until I found good news.  Glad Rose was back home and one would imagine, feeling better from whatever sent her to the hospital to begin with.

Here's a photo of a more alert me, albeit with a rather cheesy smile.  No comment needed on the outfit -- I was stylin'!

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