Sunday, September 16, 2012


"July 17, 1993:  Tom and Merilyn came in p.m.  We played Pitch until 9:30 and then they went to Helen's for the night.
July 18, 1993:  Just Tom and Merilyn here for dinner -- had such a good visit.  Greta came in p.m. -- played Pitch again.  Tom and Greta weeded all the flowers -- they look so nice now.  Called Marina for her birthday.

I know it's the weekend and this is yesterday's post that I am just getting to now today, but I am drawing a blank here as to what to comment on or about.  Pretty normal stuff.  And it goes without saying that it was a nice visit....our family ALWAYS has nice visits.  Maybe it was exceptionally nice, which is totally believable.

Here's a photo of Tom when he wasn't playing cards; just hanging out with a couple of cute kids.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what everyone was all dressed up for.
    Everyone was looking good.
