Monday, September 17, 2012

Details count

"August 3, 1993:  Carol T. and Greta here in late p.m.  Nancy and I to Norfolk after that.  Got some .080 line for the weed eater for Howard.
August 4, 1993:  Nancy to Hartington and Laurel in p.m. -- stayed all night in Laurel with Karen Young.
August 5, 1993:  Nancy back in a.m.  We visited Johanna and Sophia in p.m."

I am guessing Grandma was so precise with putting down the type of line for the weed eater so that she would have it down and at the ready for the next time.  That is what I would do anyway and of course, great minds think alike.

I do not know who Sophia is, I don't think.

For anyone reading who is not Mom or Nancy, Karen is the person that the goat Paul pushed in to the trunk when she was getting stuff out after a trip.  Paul, as I remember him, was a real piece of work.  Nancy readily admits that she and whoever else was around did nothing to help Karen other than laugh at her for her trouble.  I can believe that since Nancy and Mom came out after hearing me scream/shriek/beg for my life when Paul was standing on my back.  Now, I managed to overcome it all and turn into a relatively well-adjusted person, but to laugh at a helpless five-year-old being stood upon by a goat . . . oh, okay, I probably would have done the same thing.  How I do wish I had a photo of Paul.

Since I do not have a photo of Paul, here instead is a photo of Jim and Dale and I with two burros.  Looks like I have a brush in my hand so I must have been "helping".  I must say I have my best "model posing with animals" pose going on there.  The camera loved me.


  1. I'm assuming that Mom meant late AM when Carol and I were there.
    Sophia was Mom's cousin that lived in Wayne. She was the one that made lots of quilts. Her last name was Morris. I think you were in touch with her daughter-in-law Betty for a while. Usually she was referred to as Sophie. Maybe that's what threw you off.

    1. Yes that is probably it. I know who you are talking about and I remember her somewhat, but I never remember hearing her called Sophia. I didn't notice the "late p.m." thing, but checking back that is what she put - I should have edited. :-)
