Saturday, February 23, 2013

Left-over painting

"December 27, 2001:  Took a walk up and down the hallway.  Mary took me to the hairdresser.
December 28, 2001:  Nancy here for my shower.  Took a walk up and down the hallway.
December 29, 2001:  Nancy brought groceries in p.m.  Mitch and Anna here in evening.
December 30, 2001:  Talked to Greta.  Mary came in p.m. and put primer on door to the hall closet."

Oh, yeah.  I forgot about a bit of the painting that didn't get done prior to Grandma moving in.  Nice to know I got it taken care of before she was there a year or better.

Here's a very nice photo of Nancy.  I don't know that she likes it, but I think she looks very sweet.

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