Sunday, May 27, 2012


"February 12, 1992:  WELCA met in p.m.
February 14, 1992:  Rain and icy -- no Pinochle Club.
February 16, 1992:  Tom and Merilyn came yesterday afternoon.  They stayed all night at Helen's.  Greta was here for dinner with them.  Dorothy Jo, Arlene P. and I were preachers today.  The pastors were on vacation and we conducted the service.  Tom took firewood home for him and Nancy."

I got to go to church quite a bit growing up but never remember Grandma taking part in leading services.  Either by coincidence I wasn't there for some reason, or the practice started after I graduated and moved south.  I do seem to remember her reading a lesson or two.  I got to do that myself on occasion.  I tried to remember to read slowly since I noticed other kids read way too fast and barely took a breath.  Maybe they thought they were reading slowly too and we all sounded the same after all.

I don't know if Grandma spoke much during the services that day, but since it was a church event I've picked this photo of her and Uncle Ray at their confirmation.

1 comment:

  1. I remember Mom saying this is one picture she really liked of her and Uncle Ray because she is taller than him.
