Thursday, December 12, 2013

More produce


August 11, 9131 - Mother worked on Mrs. McIntyre's things today while I ironed.  We also made apple butter this afternoon.
August 12, 1931 - Uncle Max was here this noon.  He said we could have some field corn to can if we wanted it.  We went up there this afternoon.  Got some apples from Uncle Hans' first.  Our little Ford was packed with corn coming home.  We were down town a few minutes this evening.
August 13, 1931 - We canned corn today.  Ray was going to help us but Ola wanted him so we did it by ourselves.  We canned 24 quarts and 15 pints. Ralph came up tonite and we went up to Uncle Hans'.  We stopped at the farm and took Flossie along.  The boys had been batching up there today so we did their dishes for them.

I'm sure it wasn't that full, but I have a mental picture of an old car with corn piled up clear to the ceiling in the back seat with some ears poking out the almost-closed windows. 

I consider myself a nice person, but doing two guys' dishes just because -- I don't think so.

Here I am in Grandma's kitchen making sure no harm comes to the frozen goods.  The home-canned goods were mainly down in the semi-scary, cobweb-filled, dark basement so I was willing to let all that go unprotected.

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