Sunday, September 29, 2013


March 14, 1931 - We washed this morning.  Just as I was ready to wash my hair this afternoon Walter and Howard came.  I was real surprised to see them.  Played cards all afternoon.  Bernice bought a box of stationary up for me.  It's lavender and is real pretty.  A birthday present from Loretta.  I drove Walter's car to Wayne and back tonite.  We went up to Uncle Chris's and played 500.  Walter and Aunt Mildred won from Uncle Chris and I.  Howard went to see Margaret.  We got home at 10:00, but Howard didn't come home until 2:00.
March 15, 1931 - Went over to see Grandma Petersen and Uncle Soren this morning.  The whole family went up to Uncle Hans' today.  Martha gave me driving lessons with their Model A and Ray's Model T.  We went over to Uncle Max's but they weren't home.  Ralph brought me to Wayne tonite.  It was early when we got here, so I suggested he let me drive.  I drove to Laurel and nearly all the way back!
March 16, 1931 - Aunt Mildred went up to help Arlowynne.  Uncle Chris and I have one point in common, we're neither one w.a.c.  Washed tops of two boudoir pillows this noon.  Took a bath after supper and went to bed early.  Uncle Nels, Walter and Howard stopped here this afternoon before they left for Washington.  I went up to Wilma and Tillie's and Wilma fingerwaved my hair for me.

I know a somewhat salty (for Grandma anyway) phrase to go with w.a.c., but am open to suggestions as to what unsalty phrase Grandma may have meant.

I do not know who the children in the photo are, or at least, I do not think I do.  I like how open and treeless the background of the picture is.  The adults are all the more noticeable that way, like they are the scenery.  I wonder what the occasion was.

On a previous post, Grandma mentioned a person by name, or so I assumed it was a name.  I did the best I could with her handwriting.  My interpretation was something like "Casterisan" as I recall without looking back.  Yesterday, while trying to create some order in my sewing room, also known as the room where boxes that do not have a clear home go, I found a box of things from Grandma's.  Included was a Wayne County history book from 1938.  In it were names and photos of the Wayne State Teachers College faculty.  And who did I find, but a George W. Costerisan.  I am guessing that is who I referenced before.  There is fun around every corner with this old diary!

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