Wednesday, September 4, 2013

More dancing -- but chapel, too

January 13, 1931 - Emmett House came today.  Helen, Aunt Mildred, Emmett and I went to the dance at Kay's tonite.  I didn't have a very good time.
January 14, 1931 - Emmett and Aunt Mildred went to chapel this morning.  Emmett, Charles Hepflinger and Neal Grubb were down here tonite and played cards.  They tore Helen and my room up something terrible, hunting Emmett's wraps!
January 15, 1931 - I didn't go to Social Dancing tonite.  Emmett, Helen and Aunt Mildred went.

I learned from this and other entries that chapel was on Wednesdays since Grandma made notes as to the days of the week.  Helen must have been her college roommate.  Shame on those boys for tearing up the room!  Was Aunt Mildred also in college or was chapel not a college activity?  Since it is in the morning during the week, it somewhat lends itself to a college thing, but I know little of 1931.

I wonder if the photo is of the oft-mentioned Ralph.  I still would like to know why they are standing on a concrete block and a pile of dirt.

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