Monday, February 24, 2014


December 6, 1931 - I got dinner today while Mamma finished lining my coat.  Ray took me to Mayme's this afternoon.  We went over to Alice's a few minutes to see about my box she is making for me.  Tonite Mayme, Lloyd, Allan Bruse and I went to the show at Norfolk.  We saw Charles Rogers in "The Road to Reno".  I liked it pretty well.
December 7, 1931 - At school today we made numbers for our raffling.  We were going to raffle off a car blanket but at play practice tonite we decided to raffle off a live turkey.  "1030" "Red Hot Mamma" "It's going to be a turkey instead of a goose"!!
December 8, 1931 - I had to tell the kids today that we were going to raffle off a turkey instead of a car blanket.  I got a ride home from school with Bob Nurnberg.  I wrote to Wayne Williams asking him if he'd be the auctioneer at my box social.  We went to League tonite at Rev. Braun's home.  We had a good time.  They elected new officers for the coming year.

Any guesses for "1030" "Red Hot Mamma" "It's going to be a turkey instead of a goose"?  I suppose the turkey has to do with the raffle, but beyond that I'm stumped.

I checked, there is both an Alex and an Allan Bruse.  At first I thought maybe I misread or my fingers had a mind of their own while I was typing one of those, but nope.

And here is another example where Grandma changes in her diary how she addresses Grandma Anna -- sometimes it is Mother, others Momma, then Mamma.  I remember her always calling her Mom.  Interesting . . .

I never have heard of Lilyan Tashman, but in both the poster and some photographs I found, she was quite attractive.  Maybe she is new to me because she died at the young age of 37, a few years after this particular movie came out.


  1. My father told me of those box socials. Sounds fun, days gone bye.
    Jim H.

  2. I think they sound like fun, too.
