Saturday, February 15, 2014


November 21, 1931 - I ironed my dresses and Mother fixed some of my winter dresses.  We went over to Miller's about 6 o'clock.  We stayed up until 10:30 listening to the radio and reading.
November, 22, 1931 - Ground is white this morning.  Mother and I went to church this morning.  This afternoon in the sleet we walked out to Annie and Ola's.  That baby is surely getting big.  Ray took me back to Walker's this evening.  He stayed awhile and we played "Rook" and "Michigan Run" with the Walker kids.
November 23, 1931 - My first day to walk to school in the snow.  It could have been worse.  This evening the kids and I played Rook.  We had a good time.

There they go, walking in the sleet to see a baby they saw not too long ago.  He must have really been a cutie.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know for sure where Ola and Annie lived. I had thought maybe it was where Rod Brogren lives now - that would be a couple of miles from town.
