Tuesday, February 18, 2014


November 27, 1931 - School didn't go so bad considering that yesterday was Thanksgiving Day. The League had a committee meeting here this evening.  After the meeting Willard and Fritz Maas, Harry H., Arnold and Lydia Wittler, the Walker kids and I played Rook until 12 o'clock.  And oh! what fun we had.
November 28, 1931 - Ray and Mother came here about 9 o'clock.  We went to Norfolk.  Ray got a new overcoat, a Xmas present from Mother and me.  We had a family picture taken today.  Tonite we went to the church to hear the Midland Messiah Choir.  Annie and Ola were at our place for supper and went with us.  After the singing was over Ray and I went to Hoskins to the dance.  There weren't many there but we had a good time.
November 29, 1931 - We went to church this morning.  After dinner all of us went up to Uncle Hans'.  Aunt Lena surely doesn't look very good.  Ray broke a spring on his car, so Uncle Hans took the folks home.  Ray and I stayed up there until about 9:30 playing "Airplane."

I did some searching to find out what "Airplane" may have been, but my quick search turned up only computer games, which I am quite certain is not the case her for Grandma and Uncle Ray.

The photo is of the three and Grandma looks fairly young, so I will go out on a limb and guess that this is the photo session of which she referred.  I like Grandma Anna's sly smile here; it shows mainly in her eyes in my opinion.

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