Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The beginning of a lifetime hobby

November 12, 1931 - Mr. Jonson took us to school this morning.  Walkers had a quilting party today. This evening Hazel and her mother, Mrs. Braun, Mrs. Maas, and Mrs. Fred Jochens were here quilting.
November 13, 1931 - I tried my hand at quilting tonite and it went pretty good.  Ray came after me and he stayed awhile.  We had a lot of fun trying to quilt and talk at the same time.
November 14, 1931 - I went down town this morning a little while.  Mother and I went down this evening.  I got a library book to read at school.  We also went to the show.  During the show, Ray was hunting for me.  He wanted to go to Hoskins.  He went without me but didn't have a good time, there weren't very many there.

I really like the comment about having fun trying to quilt and talk at the same time.  I would have loved to have seen a 19-year-old Grandma doing that.

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