Monday, October 29, 2012


"September 7, 1994:  Howard to Dr. Voss to have prescription renewed.
September 8, 1994:  Luayne stopped in evening.  She and two other ladies were on their way home from a Legion Auxiliary convention at Minneapolis.
September 11, 1994:  Neil W. took Howard to a threshing bee at Pierce.

Two of these three days had some uncommon events for Grandma and Grandpa, but I am here with nothing to comment about really.  I am sure the visit with Luayne and companions was enjoyable as was Neil and Grandpa's trip to Pierce. 

I can easily picture in my mind a group sitting around the table visiting, though.  So many conversations with family and others took place in that dining room.  Rarely did a bunch go sit in the living room to visit.  Probably because coffee and maybe treats were involved.  But even so, the dining room table was the place to be.

And here are some of us in that very spot.  I spy a coffee cup, playing cards, maybe some aspirin, and two -- count them two! -- ashtrays.  Oh look, Tom was there with us.


  1. Dr Voss was a good guy. I worked with him a little when I worked at the Norfolk Vets Home 2003-04.

  2. Dale is sure mugging it up isn't he? Thank that is a really good picture of Grandma.
