Thursday, October 4, 2012

Grandma's birthday

"February 6, 1994:  Greta, Lester, Mary, Rick, Mitch, Gaylord, Lois, Mark, Nancy, John, Helen, Dale, Dane, Kyleah, Myrtle here for dinner.  Bob, Mary Lynne and Dorothy Jo here in p.m.  My birthday dinner.
February 8, 1994:  -20 degrees at night.
February 9, 1994:  Missed WELCA -- too cold and icy for me."

It's too cold and icy for me right now just thinking about -20 degrees.  I know it can happen every winter, but geesh!

The last sentence of the February 6 is written in a different ink.  Interesting that Grandma felt a need to write in her own journal an explanation for a family get-together.  Maybe she knew someone would be reading her stuff some day. 

Speaking of cold, here's this same winter photo I've used before.  Just a reminder of how much fun snow can be.  I also need a reminder to get more photos scanned . . .

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