"April 1990: I started quilting the outing flannel rail fence quilt the 4th of April -- finished it on the 10th. We had .70 inches of rain on Monday, April 9.
Mon. April 9, 1990: At 2:00 p.m. John, Helen, Shirlee and Raymond J. left West Covina -- arrived in Winside Thursday April 12 about 2:30."
I love how Grandma made a point of the time the group left and when they arrived. Not sure of the reason for the detail, but I like it. In reading ahead, it appears that the California visitors came to escort Uncle John and Aunt Helen back to Nebraska. Everyone both those two eventually left, and they took possession of their Nebraska home within a month or so.
What to say about Aunt Helen? For some reason, I think it is funny that Gary introduced Aunt Helen to Uncle John. I think Gary was a teenager at the time and thought John was a decent guy. Aunt Helen agreed, obviously.
Aunt Helen seemed to me to be able to have fun whenever and wherever she wanted. Even in telling a story where she was frustrated with someone or aggravated about something, she seemed to end her tale with a laugh at the whole situation. I like the story about her standing in line to register for the 9th grade. The superintendent saw her and told her the 4th grade room was downstairs. I have no trouble at all believing that she politely, but firmly told him how the cow ate the cabbage. She was all of 4' 4" tall at the time but mighty, I am sure. She is second from the right in the photo.
Shouldn't ignore the others in the picture. From left to right: Uncle Raymond, Uncle Elmer, Aunt Irene, Aunt Helen, and Daddy aka Howard.