Sunday, July 8, 2012

July birthdays

"July 26, 1992:  Greta, Raymond, Howard and I left Winside at 6:40.  Arrived at Dale's at 9:15.  Nancy came after Raymond, Howard and me -- went to Tom's and had dinner there.  Then to Dale's for the p.m.  Mary, Rick, Mitch, Bill, Jenny, Jayme, Jayson, Lora were there.  Celebrated birthdays of Jayme, Tom, Nancy and Dale and Bill and Jenny's wedding anniversary.  Had a wonderful time.  Dale had finished a fence around the yard for the children -- a wonderful job.  Howard put up new rain gauge that John gave him.
July 27, 1992:  Warm and sunny."

I remember this day and it was a wonderful time and a wonderful fence.  At some point we quit getting together for the July birthdays, not sure when.

Photo is obviously from another time, but some of the same characters.  Especially Bill, he's a real character.

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