Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Vacation in Lincoln, Part I

"March 27, 1995:  Tom came for me in late afternoon.  We went to Misty's -- met Merilyn there -- for prime rib, then to their house.
March 28, 1995:  Up early and at the hospital by 6:00.  Merilyn in surgery from 7:30 to 10:30 and in recovery room over an hour.  Tom took me back to the house about 3:30 -- he went back in evening to see Merilyn.
March 29, 1995:  Started hand sewing the binding on Alicia's quilt.  Tom worked all day and visited Merilyn in evening.  Did the washing.
March 30, 1995:  Rick came over in p.m. and we played Yahtzee.  Nancy came in evening.  Had pork chops according to her recipe."

I am guessing it was Grandma that did the washing on the 29th, not Tom.  Just an educated guess.

Thankfully, Grandma had a much smaller quilt to sew the binding on this time.

I guess I haven't yet commented on Merilyn's surgery.  I am guessing it was her back -- I don't believe Grandma says one way or the other.

Not sure when I would otherwise use this photo of Taffy, so I am doing it now.  This was 1988.  He is looking fabulous, as always.  I recall he had some visits up to Winside from time and time, and of course alerted Tom and Merilyn to the kitchen fire back whenever that was.  I always liked how he knew the tricks he was taught and had always done them in the same order.  The end result was that by just telling him to "sit", he would automatically start with sit and go through his whole repetoire in a matter of seconds.  Fun dog.


  1. Misty's was or is?? a good place to eat.
    Jim H.

  2. Still is. Two locations now, I believe.

  3. Its been a long time, my sons are at UNL, one lives right East of East Campus, may have to go to the Havelock one.

  4. I don't go often to that area, but I don't think Havelock has changed much over the years, really. Seems pretty much the same to me whenever I do go.
