Friday, December 14, 2012

Two babies in one day

"March 31, 1995:  Finished Alicia's quilt.  Merilyn came home in p.m.
April 1, 1995:  Merilyn feels good.  Nancy came after me in late afternoon.  Tom grilled steaks for us for supper.
April 2, 1995:  Jayson, Lora and Alicia stopped to see us in p.m.  After they left Nancy and I went to see Doug, Dana and new baby Madison Marie -- then over to Tom's.
April 3, 1995:  My feet are so swollen I can't wear my shoes.  Tom worked late."

It's very irritating that work is keeping me busy as of late (no post yesterday) so I am doing this semi-first thing in the morning to be sure I get it done.

1995 was the year for girl babies, I guess.  Nothing wrong with that.  And Grandma got to see two in one day.  Nice!  Also nice that Merilyn was doing well.

I couldn't resist adding this photo of another girl baby.  Isn't she just precious?  :-)