Thursday, December 6, 2012


"February 24, 1995:  Pinochle Club at Leona's.  Arlene R. was a guest and gave me a ride.
February 25, 1995:  Nice and warm -- hung bedding on line.
February 26, 1995:  Our spring weather is over -- not above 32 degrees today, drizzle and icy tonight.
February 27, 1995:  Cold and foggy."

Hanging bedding on the line -- I am rather nostalgic about clotheslines.  There is something about all those colors fluttering in the wind that is somehow soothing and hypnotic.  (However, where I live now, on the wrong day, my fluttering colors would snap free and end up near Wahoo in a matter of minutes.)  As a kid it was fun to run down the length of the lines with arms outstretched, making contact with the longer stuff on either side of you.  I remember Judy, my babysitter in Norfolk, taking an old sheet or blanket and putting it over the line and then staking down the edges to make a tent for her kids and me.  We had a blast, and with no electronic gadgets to entertain us, imagine that.


  1. I really miss a clothesline. There's nothing like getting into a bed that is made up with sheets dried outside on the line. Pure heaven. Runing between the clotheslines touching things on both sides could really get a kid into trouble with Mom and Grandma.

  2. Unless maybe you were a granddaughter instead of a daughter . . .
