Friday, December 28, 2012

Quilts and cards and dining

"April 28, 1995:  Nancy called this a.m.  They got home late yesterday p.m.  Had a fine time.  April was a cold, cloudy, rainy month -- more cloudy days than sunny days.  Farmers haven't been able to do any field work.
May 1, 1995:  Sewed the binding on the quilt Arlene brought.  Worked on spider quilt all week.
May 4, 1995:  TOPS ate at Geno's in Wayne.
May 5, 1995:  Pinochle Club at Laura's.  Arlene played for Laura and gave me a ride."

I have been poor about posting proper quilt photos, so here is one of a spider web quilt -- as per the note on the back.  I am guessing that is the same as the "spider quilt" Grandma mentioned.  There were several quilt photos taken the same day as this one with the holders in back sometimes visible, sometimes just their feet.  This one has a garden hoe showing on the side but no human body parts at all.  You just never know what you'll get with our family photographers.

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