Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Cornstarch pudding?

Sun., January 26, 1936 - Slept until 9:30.  Edwin here for breakfast.  He's been staying here this last week.  Howard came in tonite and took me out to Nieman's.  We built a fire at the schoolhouse.
Mon., January 25, 1936 - Had a ride to school in the lumber wagon.  Clear this afternoon.  Copied program parts this evening.
Tues., January 26, 1936 - Cornstarch pudding for hot lunch.  Cloudy and snowing at times today.  Corrected papers after supper.

I do not believe I have ever had cornstarch pudding.  There are several recipes, but I found this one at cooks.com.  I may have to make it just to check it out.

1 c. sugar (scant)
3 tbsp. rounded cornstarch
2 1/2 c. milk
Dash of salt
1 tsp. vanilla

Mix sugar and cornstarch. Add milk, salt and vanilla. Cook until thickened. Be careful of scorching. Serve hot or cold.

The comments to the recipe were rather fun.  Many people reminisced that it was what their grandmother made for them and they considered this pudding real comfort food.  Some said this particular recipe was too sweet, others said they used to have it served over ham and green beans.  Raisins, cinnamon and peaches are probably the mentioned add-ins that I would prefer, however.  One said she was pretty sure her grandmother never added salt nor vanilla, leaving it at just the three ingredients.  The photo provides yet another version.

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