Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Well, no wonder

Thurs., May 30, 1935 - Decoration Day.  Went to the cemetery with Irene and Mrs. Iversen.  Ola and family here for dinner.  This p.m. Mayme, Uncle Hans, Meta, and Lilly were here.
Fri., May 31, 1935 - Rained hard this morning.  Cloudy all p.m.  Grussmother in bed all day.  During the past week she remodeled the hen house and cut weeds in front of the house.  Now she has a backache!
Sat., June 1, 1935 - Cleaned up the house today.  Howard came up tonite while I was cutting quilt blocks.  Looked as if it might rain but it didn't.

I looked and found out it wasn't until 1971 that Decoration Day (Memorial Day) was changed from May 30 to the last Monday in May.

By my calculations, Grussmother was 82 at the time she was remodeling the hen house -- I wonder what that entailed -- and pulling weeds.  I'd have a backache at my age, let alone if I was over 80.

I was looking for photos of Grussmother that I maybe had not used yet and came upon these two.  Obviously taken the same day, with Grandma Anna and another relative likely trading places to be the photographer.  The kids change positions but I think it's the same bunch in both photos.  Help in identifying everyone welcome.

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