Thursday, July 27, 2017

Some 1935 history

Mon., June 17, 1935 - We all slept until noon today.  Annie Miller came up this p.m. and Mom made a wash dress for her.  It rained just about all day.
Tues., June 18, 1935 - Partly cloudy today.  I had my second lesson in bread baking today.  The bread was good, only I forgot to salt it!  Carl Wolf died today.
Wed., June 19, 1935 - Edwin came after me before I was out of bed.  I went out to Ola's and took care of the house and kids while Annie helped cultivate.  Came to town tonite.

I skipped ahead in the Winside history book to 1935 to see what was going on behind-the-scenes of Grandma's diary, so to speak.  A few items drew my attention:

     May 9, the much talked of fad "The Get Rich Chain Letter" made its appearance the past week.  Postal receipts the first five days in May have totaled $88.  Very little money was received by parties here but a plenty was sent out of town.
     May 29, Winside will have for the first time in its history, free movies.
     June 21, C. J. Wolff, a harness maker here for 35 years, passed away.

So, there we have some of Grandma's recent writings confirmed by an outside source.  The dates for Mr. Wolff's death do not match but the one in the history book is very likely the date the newspaper reported the event.

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