Saturday, July 15, 2017

Fruit Basket Upset

Sat., May 18, 1935 - Played lazy most of today.  Rained all day.  Went down town about 6:00 and ordered ice cream for tomorrow.
Sun., May 19, 1935 - Rained this morning.  Howard came at 11:00.  We got the ice cream and plowed out to the schoolhouse.  Mom went too.  Davis, F. Niemanns, Ed Niemanns and Goodlings were the only ones who came.  Ray surprised us by coming.  He's going to stay home until tomorrow nite.  We played Musical Chair and Fruit Basket Upset.  Howard took me around to the board to get my order signed -- oh! the mud!
Mon., May 20, 1935 - Cloudy this a.m.  We went to Norfolk.  Ray got a new suit, Mom and I a permanent, Mom white shoes and I a dress.  Cleared up this p.m.  Ray went back to Owens' tonite.

I've heard mention of Fruit Basket Upset, or Upset the Fruit Basket several times over the years but never thought to find out what it was.  Here's what I came up with from a site for Girl Scouts:

     "When I was in scouts in the 60's we just to play [sic] Fruit Basket Upset. You try to have enough fruit names (or colors or whatever) to have 4-10 in each category. Everyone (but the person(s) in the middle) form a large circle. Make sure your categories are spread out among the circle. Perhaps assign name/color/number/whatever after the circle is formed. The caller calls out a name/color/number/etc and everyone who has that id has to move to a different spot in the circle--an empty space created by someone else who has to change spaces. The person(s) in the middle tries to get to an empty spot before someone else. Sometimes you can call Fruit Basket Upset and everyone has to change spots."

Sounds like an easy enough, and fun game to me.

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