My grandmother died in 2005. She did not own a computer. I think she could have mastered some computer skills, but she had plenty of interests and activities and friends to keep her engaged in the world. She wrote things down, not fictional stories but events of her life, both past and present. After she died, I was given the honor of keeping some of her writings. I thought starting a blog with them might be fun. I hope readers will find it enjoyable. Thanks for stopping by.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Fri., November 8, 1935 - Mom helped Annie and Ola butcher today. We have half a hog to take care of this weekend. Alma and I served at lodge tonite.
Sat., November 9, 1935 - Worked with the meat today. I went down town this afternoon. Aunt Mary Kahler was here tonite to visit us.
Sun., November 10, 1935 - Worked on meat most of the day. Ray went up to Uncle Hans'. He and Willie came back about 3:00. Howard was here tonite.
I personally have not butchered nor witnessed the butchering of animals, other than two childhood experiences. One was of watching my sweet grandmother chop the heads off of multiple chickens without so much as a sigh and the other was finding the skinning of a squirrel somewhat fascinating when Dale did it. I also found the processing of chickens to be quite the thing, too. The contents of gizzards could be rather interesting and every now and then we'd find an egg inside a headless hen.
"Fall is butchering time, a period of joy in the harvest of the year’s work and of sadness that the lives of your beautiful, healthy animals have come to an end. On this occasion the animals should be treated with the same kindness and respect with which they were treated during their lives. Good farmers raise their animals free from fear, anxiety and stress. The animals should meet their end as they lived, without the terror of the slaughterhouse.
Making careful preparations will help you remain calm. After years and years of butchering I still feel a strong adrenaline rush when the animal is killed. Be prepared for that and use it to make sure the death is as painless as possible. A knowledgeable person can direct these strong feelings into doing the job right instead of letting their emotions get the best of them and botching the job."
Photo from Subversify Magazine.
Grandma Anna,
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Imagine that
Tues., November 5, 1935 - Ray took me to school this morning. He thought the roads too slippery for me to drive. I walked home tonite. Got a ride with Mrs. Weible and Eddie.
Wed., November 6, 1935 - Mom, Ray and I went out to Annie and Ola's tonite. We stayed until about 9:00. Haroldean is surely a lively little rascal.
Thurs., November 7, 1935 - Drove down to Irene's school tonite to find out how much cheese is needed for a sandwich mixture. We talked quite awhile.
It is not hard to imagine Grandma and Aunt Irene talking quite awhile. Not hard at all.
The photo is of Aunt Irene from her senior class picture. She looks a bit like she's not sure about taking on the world yet.
Friday, December 8, 2017
Priorities, priorities
Sat., November 2, 1935 - Sleeting today. Did the usual Saturday work.
Sun., November 3, 1935 - Still cold. Ray worked today. Mom and I worked on jigsaw puzzles this afternoon.
Mon, November 4, 1935 - School dismissed today. Cold, everything icy. Left here about 10:00 with Irene and Howard for the State Corn Picking Contest at Oscar Reinhart's place south of Wayne. A Dixon Co. man got first. Chris Maas was the Wayne Co. man but he didn't do so good. Howard was here tonite.
So, it was too icy for school yet they still held a corn picking contest? Wow, those northeast Nebraska farmers (I am assuming the contestants were farmers) were made of tough stuff.
And look what I found at
"Over seventy-five years ago there were 80 minute contests to determine who was the best person at picking corn by hand. Today the National Cornhusking Association sponsors a contest the third weekend in October to determine who is the best. There are ten classes that are from 10 to 30 minutes long that people can participate in. There are nine states that are members of the National Cornhusking Association, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, South Dakota and Nebraska."
Looks like those fellers in 1935 picked for a much longer time. Tough, like I said.
There's even more on this particular sport. (I had no idea this was as big of a deal as it was.)
Also from a link on
"In 2009 Heritage Documentaries completed the production of this 27-minute video documentary. We received substantial support for the project from RCH/Innovative Technology Partners, the Riverboat Development Authority, Pioneer Hi-bred International, the CHS Foundation, the Rock Island County Regional Office of Education, the Illinois Corn Huskers Association, and individual donors.
Husking is the oldest method of harvesting corn. In the late 1930s and early 1940s, national contests drew over 100,000 spectators. Our documentary DVD, complete with original film, showcases this traditional farm skill and the traditional farm values celebrated throughout the Midwest during corn husking contests... values like individualism, determination, work ethic and self-sufficiency. From the early 1920s through 1941, local, state, and national corn husking contests were prominent on the national scene. National contests were broadcast live on nation-wide network radio, providing "ear-to-ear" coverage. In 1936, Time magazine declared corn husking "...the fastest growing sporting spectacle in the world." Contest winners became idolized heroes who were sought after by national media for interviews, paid to endorse products, and received proposals of marriage from female fans.
The rise in popularity of corn husking contests and their role in buoying spirits during the Depression are unique in American history. When Farmers Were Heroes: The Era of National Corn Husking Contests, portrays the rich and traditional farm heritage of corn husking. Farm historians in Illinois and Wisconsin have written books about this subject, but no documentary has been created to visually bring the subject to life for students and the general public. We assembled a wealth of background material for this project, much of it as the result of research conducted by Heritage board member Ronald Deiss. Materials include books and articles, artifacts, photographs, audio broadcasts, and several original films of corn husking contests. We also conducted filmed interviews with former contestants. Husking contests continue today on a small scale; we include live footage from the national contest at Roseville, Illinois, held in the fall of 2008."
Here's a link to the trailer for the documentary:
The 2017 Nebraska contest had 13 classes, from kids 14 and under to Golden Agers (75+ years old). The men's open class winner had 423 pounds shucked in 30 minutes. I think this bears monitoring as something to go see next year.
The photo is of the 1932 national champion, taken from the documentary.
Grandma Anna,
Monday, December 4, 2017
Wed.,October 30, 1935 - Washed and waved my hair tonite. Didn't do a bit of studying. Colder tonite.
Thurs., October 31, 1935 - Sleeted during the night, cold today. Mr. Goodling had to push the car tonite to get it started.
Fri., November 1, 1935 - Card club at Iversen's tonite. Howard took me out there. Ray went to a dance at Hoskins tonite.
I wonder how good a dancer Uncle Ray was.
I haven't done a Sunday recipe in a very long time. But I must say I baked some of Dale's paddlefish this weekend with potatoes, garlic and rosemary and it was mighty tasty.
From wikipedia, a treasure trove of information about paddlefish:
"The American paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) is a species of basal ray-finned fish closely related to sturgeons in the order Acipenseriformes. Fossil records of paddlefish date back over 300 million years, nearly 50 million years before dinosaurs first appeared. American paddlefish are smooth-skinned freshwater fish commonly called paddlefish, but are also referred to as Mississippi paddlefish, spoon-billed cats, or spoonbills. They are one of only two extant species in the paddlefish family, Polyodontidae. The other is the critically endangered Chinese paddlefish (Psephurus gladius) endemic to the Yangtze River basin in China. American paddlefish are often referred to as primitive fish, or relict species because they retain some morphological characteristics of their early ancestors, including a skeleton that is almost entirely cartilaginous, a paddle-shaped rostrum (snout) that extends nearly one-third their body length, and a heterocercal tail or caudal fin, much like that of sharks. American paddlefish are a highly derived fish because they have evolved with adaptations such as filter feeding. Their rostrum and cranium are covered with tens of thousands of sensory receptors for locating swarms of zooplankton, which is their primary food source.
American paddlefish are native to the Mississippi River basin and once moved freely under the relatively natural, unaltered conditions that existed prior to the early 1900s. They commonly inhabited large, free-flowing rivers, braided channels, backwaters, and oxbow lakes throughout the Mississippi River drainage basin, and adjacent Gulf drainages. Their peripheral range extended into the Great Lakes, with occurrences in Lake Huron and Lake Helen in Canada until about 90 years ago. American paddlefish populations have declined dramatically primarily because of overfishing, habitat destruction, and pollution. Poaching has also been a contributing factor to their decline and will continue to be as long as the demand for caviar remains strong. Naturally occurring American paddlefish populations have been extirpated from most of their peripheral range, as well as from New York, Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. The current range of American paddlefish has been reduced to the Mississippi and Missouri River tributaries and Mobile Bay drainage basin. They are currently found in twenty-two states in the U.S., and those populations are protected under state, federal and international laws."
Photo also from wikipedia.
Sunday recipe
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Sun., October 27, 1935 - Slept most of the day. Went up to Alma's this evening to talk about our lunch for next lodge nite. Uncle Hans here awhile. I went to bed early.
Mon., October 28, 1935 - Studied quite late tonite. Howard was here a few minutes.
Tues., October 29, 1935 - Gave spelling and reading quarterly examinations today. Took my board money to Goodlings. Went to Nuss' for a little card party tonite. Ethel Lewis, Miss Mettlen, Gladys Reichert and Leffler there too.
I do not know what Grandma was studying for here.
For no good reason, here is a photo of the first wild turkeys that decided to call our place home. For an amateur with a so-so camera, I thought it turned out pretty well.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Radium treatment
Thurs., October 24, 1935 - Nice warm day. Margaret and Allen Christensen visited school this afternoon. Grandmother had another radium treatment today. Aunt Emma is going to stay here until Saturday nite.
Fri., October 25, 1935 - Cloudy and sprinkled a little this morning. Went to lodge tonite. Howard brought me up the hill.
Sat., October 26, 1935 - Drove out to Florenz Niemann's to have Irene's and my order signed, took the orders to Irene, stopped at Wagners to tell Edna I couldn't have card club this Friday. Went to Norfolk about 11:00 with Helen and Irene. They had been to Wayne and cashed my order. Went to the Masquerade party at Uncle Hans' tonite. I got first prize for the girls. It was a picture.
I am not sure why Grussmother had radium treatments, but I researched a little bit and found the beginning of the end of such treatments. From wikipedia:
Concerns about radium were brought up before the United States Senate by California Senator John D. Works as early as 1915. In a floor speech he quoted letters from doctors asking about the efficacy of the products that were marketed. He stressed that radiation had the effect of making many cancers worse, many doctors thought the belief that radium could be used to cure cancers at that stage of the development of therapy was a "delusion" — one doctor quoted cited a failure-to-success rate of 100 to 1 — and the effects of radium water were undemonstrated.
Around the start of the 1920s, new public health concerns were sparked by the deaths of factory workers at a radioluminescent watch factory, later referred to as the Radium Girls. In 1932, a well-known industrialist, Eben Byers died of radiation poisoning from the use of Radithor, a radium water guaranteed by the manufacturer to contain 2 μCi of radium. Cases sprung up of the development of carcinoma in patients who had used conventional radium therapy up to 40 years after the original treatments.
The Radium Girls were female factory workers who contracted radiation poisoning from painting watch dials with self-luminous paint. Painting was done by women at three different sites in the United States, and the term now applies to the women working at the facilities. The first, United States Radium factory in Orange, New Jersey, beginning around 1917, at Ottawa, Illinois, beginning in the early 1920s, and a third facility in Waterbury, Connecticut.
The women in each facility had been told the paint was harmless, and subsequently ingested deadly amounts of radium after being instructed to "point" their brushes on their lips in order to give them a fine point; some also painted their fingernails, face and teeth with the glowing substance. The women were instructed to point their brushes because using rags, or a water rinse, caused them to waste too much time and waste too much of the material made from powdered radium, gum arabic and water.
Five of the women in New Jersey challenged their employer in a case over the right of individual workers who contract occupational diseases to sue their employers under New Jersey's occupational injuries law, which at the time had a two-year statute of limitations, but settled out of court. Five women in Illinois who were employees of the Radiant Dial Company (which was unaffiliated with the United States Radium Corporation) sued their employer under Illinois law, winning damages in 1938.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Hard to keep up
Mon., October 21, 1935 - Ray took me to the 2-mile corner. I walked the other mile. Earl absent, the Christensens were back again. Mom came out after me tonite.
Tues., October 22, 1935 - Car acted funny today. The report is that Marian Davis has smallpox, so that's why Earl isn't here. Frederick Niemann has it, too, I guess. Jean had an earache this a.m. Mr. Goodling took her home. Baked cookies tonite. Howard brought us a pheasant this eve.
Wed., October 23, 1935 - Car worked fine today. Benthack says Frederick doesn't have smallpox, so Herbert was in school today.
Such comings and goings with students. Grandma's attendance book must have looked rather festive.
The name Benthack to me means Dr. Benthack at Wayne. I was not sure of his first name, but found this on the Wayne State College site:
"While the building boom of the 1950s and 1960s came to an abrupt end, the applied science and home economics programs benefited from the completion of a new Applied Sciences Hall, named for Dr. Walter Benthack, a member of the college governing board (1939-45) and a prominent Wayne physician for more than half a century."
So, perhaps the Benthack Grandma is referring to was this one. I was not aware there was a Benthack Hall at WSC. My familiarity with the buildings on campus came from traipsing around for district music contest during my high school years. In addition to the large halls for the big groups, other buildings were pressed into service for solos and small groups. If I was ever in Benthack Hall, I have long forgotten it. I can't believe I couldn't find a better photo.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Another late night
Fri., October 18, 1935 - Lovely day. I came home early from school. Went to Card Club at Wagner's with Howard. We reorganized. Edna W. president, Edna Davis treasurer, and Kenneth Wagner secretary. I'm to have the next meeting Nov. 1. We didn't leave there until 2:00.
Sat., October 19, 1935 - Tired today. Didn't get much done either. Ray went to Hoskins tonite. I played Rummy with Grandad and won both games.
Sun., October 20, 1935 - Slept most of the afternoon. Started raining about 1:00 and rained most of the afternoon until evening.
Another crazy night out late. No wonder Grandma was tired and didn't do much on Saturday.
We used to take lots of pictures of the family napping out after holiday meals. Since I can't lay my hands on any, here are two of our dogs taking a snooze. They never cuddle, so I took a photo quickly when I saw this. It's probably the closest they will ever get.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Bring out the needles
Tues., October 15, 1935 - Verdelle Mae absent the first period to be vaccinated. Miss Sewell visited during grammar classes. Everything was O.K. Earl absent today. Got my stuff from Goodlings tonite.
Wed., October 16, 1935 - Ruby gone the first period this morning to be vaccinated.
Thurs., October 17, 1935 - Goodlings and Temmes were vaccinated last nite. Everyone vaccinated now except Howard and Robert.
She doesn't mention herself, so I am thinking maybe Grandma was already vaccinated.
With an incubation period of 12 days (something we learned yesterday), being vaccinated after others fall ill was perhaps too late for some. But worth doing nonetheless.
I was surprised to learn from wikipedia that the smallpox vaccine has an interesting history:
"Smallpox vaccine, the first successful vaccine to be developed, was introduced by Edward Jenner in 1796. He followed up his observation that milkmaids who had previously caught cowpox did not later catch smallpox by showing that inoculated cowpox protected against inoculated smallpox. The word "vaccine" is derived from Variolae vaccinae (i.e. smallpox of the cow), the term devised by Jenner to denote cowpox and used in the long title of his An enquiry into the causes and effects of Variolae vaccinae, known by the name of cow pox. Vaccination, the term which soon replaced cowpox inoculation and vaccine inoculation, was first used in print by Jenner's friend, Richard Dunning in 1800. Initially, the terms vaccine/vaccination referred only to smallpox, but in 1881 Louis Pasteur proposed that to honor Jenner the terms be widened to cover the new protective inoculations being introduced."
The painting is by Ernest Board of Jenner giving his first vaccine to James Phipps, age 8.
This led me to read a bit about young Master Phipps. Also from wikipedia:
Phipps was born in Berkeley parish in Gloucestershire to a poor, landless labourer working as Jenner's gardener. He was baptised in St Mary's parish church, Berkeley, when he was 4.[3]
"On 14 May 1796 he was selected by Jenner, who took "a healthy boy, about eight years old for the purpose of inoculation for the Cow Pox". Jenner took some fluid from the cowpox vesicles on the hand of a milkmaid named Sarah Nelmes (in an unpublished manuscript Jenner refers to her as Lucy Nelmes), and inoculated Phipps by two small cuts in the skin of the boy's arm.
Jenner wrote: On the seventh day he complained of uneasiness in the axilla and on the ninth he became a little chilly, lost his appetite, and had a slight headache. During the whole of this day he was perceptibly indisposed, and spent the night with some degree of restlessness, but on the day following he was perfectly well. About six weeks later Jenner inoculated the boy with smallpox which had no effect, and concluded that he now had complete protection against smallpox. Phipps was subsequently inoculated with smallpox more than twenty times without succumbing to the disease.
Phipps is often cited incorrectly as the first person to be vaccinated against smallpox by inoculation with cowpox: other people had undergone the procedure before him. In 1791, Peter Plett from Kiel in the Duchy of Holstein (now Germany) inoculated three children and Benjamin Jesty performed the procedure on three family members in 1774. However, Jenner included his description of the vaccination of Phipps and an illustration of the hand of Sarah Nelmes from which the material was taken in his Inquiry published in 1798. Together with a series of vaccinations which showed that the vaccine could be maintained by arm to arm transfer, and information about selection of suitable material, Jenner's Inquiry was the first published account of vaccination.
Later in Phipps' life, Jenner gave him, his wife and his two children a free lease on a cottage in Berkeley, which went on to house the Edward Jenner Museum between 1968 and 1982. Phipps attended Jenner's funeral on February 3, 1823. Phipps was buried in St Mary's church in Berkeley, where he had been baptized. Jenner was also buried in this church."
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Sat., October 12, 1935 - Washed my clothes as usual. Corrected school papers all afternoon. Annie Miller was here with a coat for Mom to fix.
Sun., October 13, 1935 - Typed history tests this a.m. and p.m. Ray quit working at Joe Baker's last nite. He starts tomorrow to work for Guerney Benshoof. I'm going to drive his car back and forth to school. Went with Howard to Kennard Hall and Alfred Utecht's charivari dance at Hoskins. Had a good time.
Mon., October 14, 1935 - Started driving today. I think I'll like it just fine. Reports are that Allen, Marian and Frederick have smallpox. We're postponing our program indefinitely. Stopped at Florence Niemann's to discuss the program. Took the hektograph ribbon to Irene also.
What and where is Kennard Hall?*
I won't share smallpox photos because they are not pleasant. It was declared eradicated by the World Health Organization in 1980. I am glad for that. From wikipedia:
"There were two clinical forms of smallpox. Variola major was the severe and most common form, with a more extensive rash and higher fever. Variola minor was a less common presentation, and a much less severe disease, with historical death rates of 1 percent or less. Subclinical (asymptomatic) infections with variola virus were noted but were not common. In addition, a form called variola sine eruptione (smallpox without rash) was seen generally in vaccinated persons. This form was marked by a fever that occurred after the usual incubation period and could be confirmed only by antibody studies or, rarely, by virus isolation.
The incubation period between contraction and the first obvious symptoms of the disease is around 12 days. Once inhaled, variola major virus invades the oropharyngeal (mouth and throat) or the respiratory mucosa, migrates to regional lymph nodes, and begins to multiply. In the initial growth phase the virus seems to move from cell to cell, but around the 12th day, lysis of many infected cells occurs and the virus is found in the bloodstream in large numbers (this is called viremia), and a second wave of multiplication occurs in the spleen, bone marrow, and lymph nodes.
The initial symptoms are similar to other viral diseases such as influenza and the common cold: fever of at least 101 °F, muscle pain, malaise, headache and prostration. As the digestive tract is commonly involved, nausea and vomiting and backache often occur. The prodrome, or preeruptive stage, usually lasts 2–4 days. By days 12–15 the first visible lesions—small reddish spots called enanthem—appear on mucous membranes of the mouth, tongue, palate, and throat, and temperature falls to near normal. These lesions rapidly enlarge and rupture, releasing large amounts of virus into the saliva.
Smallpox virus preferentially attacks skin cells, causing the characteristic pimples (called macules) associated with the disease. A rash develops on the skin 24 to 48 hours after lesions on the mucous membranes appear. Typically the macules first appear on the forehead, then rapidly spread to the whole face, proximal portions of extremities, the trunk, and lastly to distal portions of extremities. The process takes no more than 24 to 36 hours, after which no new lesions appear. At this point variola major infection can take several very different courses, resulting in four types of smallpox disease based on the Rao classification: ordinary, modified, malignant (or flat), and hemorrhagic. Historically, smallpox has an overall fatality rate of about 30 percent; however, the malignant and hemorrhagic forms are usually fatal.
Ninety percent or more of smallpox cases among unvaccinated persons were of the ordinary type. In this form of the disease, by the second day of the rash the macules became raised papules. By the third or fourth day the papules filled with an opalescent fluid to become vesicles. This fluid became opaque and turbid within 24–48 hours, giving them the appearance of pustules; however, the so-called pustules were filled with tissue debris, not pus.
By the sixth or seventh day, all the skin lesions have become pustules. Between seven and ten days the pustules matured and reached their maximum size. The pustules were sharply raised, typically round, tense, and firm to the touch. The pustules were deeply embedded in the dermis, giving them the feel of a small bead in the skin. Fluid slowly leaked from the pustules, and by the end of the second week the pustules deflated, and started to dry up, forming crusts (or scabs). By day 16–20 scabs had formed over all the lesions, which have started to flake off, leaving depigmented scars.
Ordinary smallpox generally produced a discrete rash, in which the pustules stood out on the skin separately. The distribution of the rash was densest on the face; denser on the extremities than on the trunk; and on the extremities, denser on the distal parts than on the proximal. The palms of the hands and soles of the feet were involved in the majority of cases. Sometimes, the blisters merged into sheets, forming a confluent rash, which began to detach the outer layers of skin from the underlying flesh. Patients with confluent smallpox often remained ill even after scabs have formed over all the lesions. In one case series, the case-fatality rate in confluent smallpox was 62 percent."
Several members of European royalty died of the disease, as did Pocahontas. Some who have survived include U.S. Presidents George Washington, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln. Washington became infected with smallpox on a visit to Barbados in 1751. Jackson developed the illness after being taken prisoner by the British during the American Revolution, and though he recovered, his brother Robert did not. Lincoln contracted the disease during his Presidency, possibly from his son Tad, and was quarantined shortly after giving the Gettysburg address in 1863. -- from
Another survivor was Joseph Stalin. I wonder how history would be different if he had not survived.
I do not remember if I already shared this photo of the kids and me and I'm too
*I found out later from Mom that Kennard Hall is a who, not a what.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
A birthday party
Wed., October 9, 1935 - Handed out parts and practiced today. Typed parts tonite. Howard stopped at the school house awhile this evening.
Thurs., October 10, 1935 - Was going to type tonite, but today is Mrs. Goodling's birthday. Lettmans, Holtgrews, and the Kochs surprised her tonite. So no studying for me. To bed at 1:00.
Fri., October 11, 1935 - Felt pretty tired today. Howard came after me tonite. We went to lodge.
I know she was a grown-up woman with a grown-up job and all, but I still get a kick out of finding out the crazy hours Grandma kept sometimes, especially this during her work week. It would have been fun to hang out with her at this age.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Slightly confused at first, but worked it out
Sun., October 6, 1935 - We went to church and S.S. Talked some more this p.m. Ray came after me about 5:00. He took me out to Goodlings. Fritz Weible died last nite from the accident he was in Friday nite. Howard and his folks went to a silver wedding anniversary this weekend. He didn't come home in time to bring me here.
Mon., October 7, 1935 - Started giving out parts today. We've decided to have our Halloween program Oct. 25. Copied parts tonite.
Tues., October 8, 1935 - I had Mr. Goodling take me down to Irene's tonite to get her typewriter to type parts for the program. Elmer and Myrtle came back Sunday. I met Myrtle tonite.
It sounds as if Grandma is saying this is the first time she met Aunt Myrtle. From what I can see, she and Uncle Elmer were married in Madison in February 1934 but moved to Arkansas. Oddly enough, the 1940 census asked where people lived on April 1, 1935 and that's where that piece of information comes from. So, maybe it was a small private, short-notice ceremony like I understand many were those days and the new couple moved south before lots of family introductions. This makes extra sense since this is the Iversen-Nielsen side of things. Grandma and Grandpa were possibly not the exclusive, head-line making couple then that they were in 1935. That's my guess anyway.
I probably should have used a photo that included Uncle Elmer, but I just had to use this one. I love my stylish footwear.
Monday, November 13, 2017
Back from my little break
Thurs., October 3, 1935 - Everybody in school. A lovely fall day.
Fri., October 4, 1935 - I walked to town tonite. Got a ride with Mrs. Wolfe 1 1/2 miles. Howard took me to Fred Jochens tonite. They were in bed when I got there.
Sat., October 5, 1935 - Dorothy and I did a lot of talking today. She showed me the things in her cedar chest.
I have been neglectful of Grandma's diary for no overly compelling reason other than Life has gotten in the way a bit. That, and Grandma hasn't given me much to work with as of late.
I researched cedar chests for a spell, but nothing earth-shakingly interesting popped up.
Here's a photo of my sweet doggie in a seductive pose. The little angel quilt on the back of the chair was made and gifted to me by Mom. Thanks, Mom.
My doggie, by the way, may have a bladder tumor. That's what I learned from Life today.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
More normal stuff
Mon., September 30, 1935 - Waved Mom's hair. Went to Institute with Helen, Irene, Dorothea, and Alma. Ate at the Palace. Stayed at Iversen's tonite. Went to Lydia Kant's party tonite. We played High Five. I won high prize - a yellow bath towel with black border and washcloth to match.
Tues., October 1, 1935 - Institute again. We were all pretty sleepy today. Ate at the Palace. Took a nap when I got home. Uncle Hans took Granddad and Grandmother up to his place today. Mom had to stay home and bake. Howard brought me to Goodlings tonite.
Wed., October 2, 1935 - The kids were glad to have the new books which came over the weekend. Earl absent, but Robert here again.
I don't have much to add. I've been sick with sinus troubles and was absent, like Earl. But from work, not from school. I don't know what Institute is, but I am guessing it has something to do with being a teacher. Here's a photo of Dale and I being silly. Or cute. I'm not sure.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Trench chicken
Fri., September 27, 1935 - Warmer today. Robert came after his assignments this morning. He has trench mouth. Howard came after me tonite. We had chicken feed at lodge.
Sat., September 28, 1935 - Went to Norfolk with Irene, Helen, Mrs. Iversen, and Theola Nuss. Got a new coat, dress, and slippers. Annie and Ola here tonite. Adolph and Alvina Nelsen stayed here tonite. Uncle Hans here a little.
Sun., September 29, 1935 - Adolph and Alvina left this morning. I went to S.S. and church. Ray was home this afternoon. Tonite Mom and I played Squeak and put a jig-saw puzzle together.
Poor Robert with trench mouth. I had heard of it, but that was the extent of my knowledge until now. As uncomfortable as the term may or may not sound, it is far better than the technical name, Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis.
The term trench mouth comes from World War I, when many soldiers in the trenches developed the infection. Trench mouth is now rare, but minor gum infections involving just a few teeth probably occur relatively commonly. The severe form usually affects only people with an impaired immune system. Trench mouth is not contagious.
Trench mouth is a painful infection of the gums, causing pain, fever, and sometimes fatigue. If the normal bacteria in the mouth overgrow, the gums can become infected. The gums hurt, and people sometimes have extremely bad breath. A professional cleaning, sometimes followed by hydrogen peroxide rinses and antibiotics, plus good oral hygiene are effective.
The infection is caused by an abnormal overgrowth of the bacteria that normally exist harmlessly in the mouth. Poor oral hygiene usually contributes to the development of trench mouth, as do physical or emotional stress, poor diet, and lack of sleep. The infection occurs most often in people who have gingivitis and then experience a stressful event (for example, final exam week or military basic training). Trench mouth is far more common among smokers than nonsmokers.
So there you have it.
I hope it was a chicken feed at lodge and not just chicken feed. Gracious.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Not much to work with
Tues., September 24, 1935 - I put the curtains up this morning. The children thought they were pretty.
Wed., September 25, 1935 - Robert absent today. We got a load of coal at school tonite about 5:00. The basement floor and everything else is black down there.
Thurs., September 26, 1935 - Robert still gone. Rather cold today. Corrected papers, averaged grades, and made out report cards tonite.
Grandma sure isn't giving me much to work with lately. But, on we go.
I do note that it seems teachers spending their own money (I am guessing that is what Grandma did here) for classroom improvements and supplies is not a recent phenomenon.
Monday, October 16, 2017
Over here, over there?
Sat., September 21, 1935 - Slept late. Washed clothes and started making the school curtains. Mom and I went down town tonite.
Sun., September 22, 1935 - Ray cut down a cottonwood tree over home this morning and brought it over here. He left for Wayne about 1:30. At about 2:00 Art Kahler, his wife and their baby came here. We were surely surprised. Art is working in Plainview. He has a lovely wife. Mom and I finished the school curtains this evening. Howard brought me to Goodlings.
Mon., September 23, 1935 - I pressed the new curtains tonite after school. Went to bed early.
I wonder what the distinction is between "over home" and "over here". I assume "over here" is the house in Winside. Did Grussfather and Grussmother own two properties in 1935?
Grandma Anna,
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
The flag and a tea
Wed., September 18, 1935 - We said the flag salute outside this morning. They finished grading past the school house today. Irene and Helen came up after school. We finished our orders. Went to town with Goodlings for about an hour tonite. Mom wasn't at home. She was at the free movies.
Thurs., September 19, 1935 - We put the flag up and had the flag salute outside again this morning. Hot today. We played ball again. Washed and waved my hair tonite.
Fri., September 20, 1935 - Partly cloudy this a.m. Played Indian baseball with the girls. Tonite Mom and I went to Hoskins to see the "Womanless Tea" with Howard and the girls.
The school flag, like the one above, would have had 48 stars. And here's a little trivia about that from
On July 4,1912, the U.S. flag grew to 48 stars with the addition of New Mexico (January 6th, 1912) and Arizona (February 14, 1912). An Executive Order of President Taft dated June 24, 1912 - established the proportions of the flag and provided for arrangement of the stars in six horizontal rows of eight each, a single point of each star to be upward. This flag was official for 47 years, longer than any other flag, through two World Wars and the emergence of the United States of America as the leading nation of the world. Eight Presidents served under this flag; William H. Taft (1909-1913), Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921), Warren Harding (1921-1923), Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929), Herbert Hoover (1929-1933), Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945), Harry S.Truman (1945-1953), Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961).
The flag aside, I see there was another Womanless Tea. Must have been quite the deal at the time.
Grandma Anna,
Monday, October 9, 2017
Sun., September 15, 1935 - Ray was home this afternoon. Tonite Howard took me to Charlie Jochens. They told us yesterday we could have some grapes if we came after them, so we did.
Mon., September 16, 1935 - My glasses didn't come today. Irene came up after school. We got our order partly made out.
Tues., September 17, 1935 - I got my glasses today. They feel fine. We all played ball together this noon.
Grandma didn't give me much to work with, so here's some information on grapes from, of course, wikipedia:
The cultivation of the domesticated grape began 6,000–8,000 years ago in the Near East. Yeast, one of the earliest domesticated microorganisms, occurs naturally on the skins of grapes, leading to the discovery of alcoholic drinks such as wine. The earliest archeological evidence for a dominant position of wine-making in human culture dates from 8,000 years ago in Georgia. The oldest known winery was found in Armenia, dating to around 4000 BC. By the 9th century AD the city of Shiraz was known to produce some of the finest wines in the Middle East. Thus it has been proposed that Syrah red wine is named after Shiraz, a city in Persia where the grape was used to make Shirazi wine. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics record the cultivation of purple grapes, and history attests to the ancient Greeks, Phoenicians, and Romans growing purple grapes for both eating and wine production. The growing of grapes would later spread to other regions in Europe, as well as North Africa, and eventually in North America.
In North America, native grapes belonging to various species of the Vitis genus proliferate in the wild across the continent, and were a part of the diet of many Native Americans, but were considered by European colonists to be unsuitable for wine. Vitis vinifera cultivars were imported for that purpose.
I am guessing The Jochens grapes were the native versus, not the high-society cultivars import from Europe. But . . . I might be wrong. Adding to the mystery, if one wants to call it that, is the following from wikipedia. Those varieties that might grow in the Midwest are notably absent from this list:
Most grapes come from cultivars of Vitis vinifera, the European grapevine native to the Mediterranean and Central Asia. Minor amounts of fruit and wine come from American and Asian species such as:
Vitis amurensis is the most important Asian species.
Vitis labrusca, the North American table and grape juice grapevines (including the Concord cultivar), sometimes used for wine, are native to the Eastern United States and Canada.
Vitis mustangensis, (the mustang grape) found in Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, and Oklahoma.
Vitis riparia, a wild vine of North America, is sometimes used for winemaking and for jam. It is native to the entire Eastern U.S. and north to Quebec.
Vitis rotundifolia (the muscadines) used for jams and wine, are native to the Southeastern United States from Delaware to the Gulf of Mexico.
Given all that, as long as there is wine on the shelf at the store when I'm thirsty for it, I'm good.
P.S. I snagged the photo from wikipedia, too.
Monday, October 2, 2017
The answer to a question I hadn't thought of
Thurs., September 12, 1935 - Face better today. Howard took me into town tonite.
Fri., September 13, 1935 - Had today off for the Fair. I went to Norfolk with Howard and had my eyes tested for glasses. Went to Lodge tonite.
Sat., September 14, 1935 - Mom and I went to Wayne this morning on the train. Went up to Meta's until after dinner and went to the Fair with Ray. Came home with Ola and Annie. Jochens brought us some grapes.
I realize now that I never knew when Grandma started wearing glasses -- from peeking ahead, I can confirm she did get some after this particular appointment. I do not recall seeing photos of her wearing any in her younger days. So, either she did not have them prior to 1935 or always took them off for photos. I can't see her being vain about that, so if she did maybe it was to prevent glare from the flash.
Friday, September 29, 2017
More than you wanted to know
Mon., September 9, 1935 - Clear and sunshiny. My left jaw is swelling up. The wisdom tooth is acting up again.
Tues., September 10, 1935 - Put in a bad nite with my jaw. My face is swollen pretty big today. Howard stopped at the school house tonite while he was dragging the road. We have all day Friday off for the Fair.
Wed., September 11, 1935 - Jaw just as big and sore as yesterday. I can't enjoy eating anything. By night my face was a little better. Mr. Goodling got some aspirins tonite for me.
Well, here's some things you may not have known about aspirin. From wikipedia:
Aspirin, also known as acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), is a medication used to treat pain, fever, or inflammation. It, in the form of leaves from the willow tree, has been used for its health effects for at least 2,400 years. In 1853, chemist Charles Frédéric Gerhardt treated sodium salicylate with acetyl chloride to produce acetylsalicylic acid for the first time. In the second half of the nineteenth century, other chemists established the chemical structure and came up with more efficient methods to make it. In 1897, scientists at Bayer began studying acetylsalicylic acid as a less-irritating replacement for common salicylate medicines. By 1899, Bayer had named the drug Aspirin and was selling it around the world. The word Aspirin was Bayer's brand name; however, their rights to the trademark were lost or sold in many countries. Aspirin's popularity grew over the first half of the twentieth century leading to competition between many brands and formulations.
Aspirin is one of the most widely used medications globally with an estimated 40,000 tonnes (50 to 120 billion pills) being consumed each year. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system. Aspirin is available as a generic medication. The wholesale cost in the developing world as of 2014 is $0.002 to $0.025 per dose. As of 2015 the cost for a typical month of medication in the United States is less than $25.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
A fun time had by all x 2
Fri., September 6, 1935 - Howard came early tonite. We went to "The Womanless Tea" at Hoskins given by the American Legion. It was a scream. During the play the rain just came down in sheets.
Sat., September 7, 1935 - To Wayne on the train this morning. Aunt Mildred was going to Wayne. Miss Sewell told me that she's left Uncle Chris! Rainy all day.
Sun., September 8, 1935 - Ray came home last nite. Ray, Mom, Alma and I went to the Rebekah picnic at Pete Christensen's. Everybody ate too much, I believe. Howard brought me to Goodling's tonite.
The best I can find out, "A Womanless Tea" is a production involving men dressed up as women. Whether there's an actual story, or more of a fashion show of sorts, I can't tell. It puts me in mind of the Winside centennial when guys, most of whom were also in the "best beard" competition, dressed up as ladies and paraded around the bandstand. Anyone who was there likely remembers it as well.
Here's how a newspaper in Texas described it:
A "Womanless Tea" was given by the P-TA in the grammar school auditorium on the evening of March 13, 1931.
Thirty-eight business and professional men in Rising Star made up the cast, each dressed in "ladies garb". There were flappers, demure maidens, dignified matrons, and famous characters.
F. W. Roberds represented Mrs. Al Smith; Martin Joyce was "Ma" Ferguson; the late Sam Johnson and Hubert Jones were bathing beauties; Hugh Childress was a hula dancer; the late Wm. Koonce and Cecil Joyce acted as maids; Babe Wood was the hostess, a charming and gracious one, assisted by her "daughter", Dallas Dill, who did much to help her mother in entertaining guests. School Supt. Dawson, Ray Agnew and Clark Crownover were among the most charming flappers. Among the cast were F. V. Tunnell, R. O. Jacobs, Ray Agnew, W. E. Tyler, Cecil Shults and Fred Eberhart.
The "tea" was well attended and afforded much merriment as well as a substantial financial boost for the P-TA."
The references to deceased members must strike you, dear reader, as a bit odd. The article I found was in a newspaper printed in 1966 from a column that is a sort of "this day in local history" kind of thing. So, the late Sam Johnson and the late Wm. Koonce must have passed between 1931 and 1966, not between the time of the event and the short period until it was reported first in the newspaper. I hope so, anyway.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Rain, rain go away
Tues., September 3, 1935 - School went just fine. Another rain this afternoon. Typed tonite and then listened to the radio.
Wed., September 4, 1935 - Jean and Marjorie brought muskmelons to school. They tasted fine. It seems today that finally after about 3 weeks of cold and rainy weather it's going to warm up. I hope so.
Thurs., September 5, 1935 - School as usual. I should have studied tonite but didn't feel like it.
Grandma's not all that talkative at the moment. The fourth day of school and it's already "as usual". I hope things pick up a bit. I'm ready to talk about canning again.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
No more canning; school has started
Sat., August 31, 1935 - Mom washed clothes this morning. I helped some. I went to Wayne to the teacher's meeting with Alma, Irene, and Helen. Tonite Raymond, Helen, Irene, Howard and I went to Wayne. We saw "Going Highbrow" and Shirley Temple in "Curly Top". Ray went to Wayne this a.m. to see if he could get work with Joe Baker.
Sun., September 1, 1935 - Rained about all day. Ray came home at noon from Uncle Hans', to Wayne with Willie, home again at 4:30. He starts working for Joe Baker tomorrow. He's going to board and room with Meta. Howard took me and my junk to Goodlings tonite.
Mon., September 2, 1935 - Just had school this morning. Cloudy all day. Jean, Marjorie, and Verdelle Mae were here at school all afternoon, so I didn't get much work done. Typed tonite.
Here's what wikipedia has to say about "Going Highbrow". I think it sounds rather fun:
Going Highbrow is a 1935 American comedy-musical film directed by Robert Florey. Guy Kibbee and Zasu Pitts play a newly rich couple, so eager to buy their way into society they hire a waitress to pose as their daughter.
"Curly Top" I have heard of, but have not seen. I did not realize the song "Animal Crackers in my Soup" is from this movie. From wikipedia:
Young Elizabeth Blair (Shirley Temple) lives at the Lakeside Orphanage, a dreary, regimented place supervised by two decent but dour women. Her older sister Mary (Rochelle Hudson) works in the kitchen, laundry, and dormitory. Elizabeth is a sweet child but her high spirits often lead her into trouble with the superintendent.
When the trustees descend on the orphanage for a tour of inspection, Elizabeth is caught playfully mimicking the head trustee and is threatened with being sent to a public institution. Young, rich, handsome trustee Edward Morgan (John Boles) intervenes. He takes a liking to Elizabeth and, in a private interview with the child, learns that most of her life has been spent obsequiously expressing her gratitude for every mouthful that has fallen her way. He adopts her but, not wanting to curb Elizabeth's spirit by making her feel slavishly obligated to him for every kindness, he tells her a fictitious "Hiram Jones" is her benefactor and he is simply acting on Jones's behalf as his lawyer. He nicknames her "Curly Top." Meanwhile, he has met and fallen in love with Elizabeth's sister Mary but will not admit it.
Elizabeth and Mary leave the orphanage and take up residence in Morgan's luxurious Southampton beach house. His kindly aunt, Genevieve Graham (Esther Dale), and his very proper butler Reynolds (Arthur Treacher) are charmed by the two. Elizabeth has everything a child could want including a pony cart and silk pajamas.
Mary secretly loves Morgan but, believing he has no romantic interest in her, she accepts an offer of marriage from young navy pilot Jimmie Rogers (Maurice Murphy). Morgan is taken aback but offers his congratulations. Hours later, Mary ends the engagement when she realizes she doesn't truly love Jimmie. Morgan then declares his love, reveals he is the fictitious "Hiram Jones", and plans marriage and a long honeymoon in Europe with Mary.
A happy ending for the movie, and now I have a song caught in my head . . .
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Old Settlers
Wed., August 28, 1935 - Put the apples away and cleaned up the house. Met Mom at the train tonite. Ray and Willie came back tonite at 12:00 from Dalton. Ray took Willie up to his home.
Thurs., August 29, 1935 - Old Settler's Picnic. Dora and George from Blair, Meta, Lyle, Annie, Ola and kids here for dinner. I was down town from 4:30 to 6:30. Had a dandy talk with Carrie Hansen. Howard was here this evening.
Fri., August 30, 1935 - We all got up late this morning. Mom, Ray and I went to Norfolk this p.m. Dora was visiting Grandmother all afternoon.
I wonder what Old Settlers was like in 1935. I am guessing Winside didn't rate a fancy schmancy ride like The Whip shown above, but isn't it neat? Look at the painting on the side of the cars. Wow. Photo from
Grandma Anna,
Monday, September 18, 2017
Tired of canning
Sun., August 25, 1935 - To S. S. and church. Ola brought some apples just as I left for S. S. After church Alma and I rode out to Troutman's with Mr. Freese. We took some fruit from the Rebekahs to Neville who had her tonsils taken out last week. Howard came in tonight and we went up to Aunt Emma's. We brought home over a half bushel of cucumbers. She's going to bring more Thurs.
Mon., August 26, 1935 - Canned 2 quarts of tomatoes and salted down the pickles. Mrs. Jordan and Mary Claire here this evening to see Mom about sewing. Gilbert and Hazel brought us a half sack of Whitney crabs and a small dishpan of grapes! Aren't they nice!
Tues., August 27, 1935 - Baked bread and cinnamon rolls. Canned 14-1/2 quarts of pickled apples. Ola and Annabelle were here this afternoon.
I don't know if Grandma was tired of canning, but I'm certainly getting there.
Friday, September 15, 2017
She's an Energizer Bunny -- more canning
Thurs., August 22, 1935 - Canned 2 quarts and 2 pints of tomatoes. Boiled some apples for apple butter. Meta and Melvin, Alma, and Mrs. Loebsack were here this afternoon.
Fri., August 23, 1935 - Felt punk today. Boiled apples for jell. Uncle Hans here in p.m. He, Grandma R., Lillie and Hans are going to Dalton this weekend. Alma and I went to lodge and came home from lodge together. Rebekah picnic at Pete Christensen's September 8.
Sat., August 24, 1935 - Canned 4 quarts and 2 pints of tomatoes, 3 quarts of apple juice and 4 quarts of apple pulp. Ola here a few minutes at noon. Rained tonight but Howard came up anyway. Got a card from Aunt Emma saying we could have pickles if we wanted them.
I think it's time for some Winside history, this installment is for 1911:
January 5, the Halstead stock of dry goods and groceries has been purchased by George Gabler.
January 19, Fred Bright bought the Lloyd Prince interest in the Winside Dray and will take possession February 1.
February 2, T. A. Strong has taken over route No. 2 succeeding Dick Waddell.
February 9, Mesdames Grace Cavanaugh, Lydia Needham and Lute Miller of the Woman's Club, went before the town board to present the Free Public Library idea to them. The board will act on this next month.
February 11, Helen Hoffman's school, the Rew District, made $58.00 clear on their box supper.
February 16, the band played a few selections in the band stand this afternoon. The day was warm and just like summer.
February 23, W. D. Whitaker is the new agent of the railroad.
March 2, H. O. Sipp and family have moved to Gordon, Nebraska; Godfrey Shabrum and family to Sheridan county; Art Larken and wife to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; W. J. Templeton and family to Wessington, South Dakota.
March 2, Fire destroyed the Wm. Thies pool hall.
March 16, Mrs. R. B. Crawford was granted a divorce claiming non-support. Her husband owned the business section of Winside from 1884 to 1886.
March 23, Library benefit play, "Grand Opera at Persimmon Ridge," was given to a packed house.
April 13, J. R. Mundy moved to Aurora, Illinois.
April 14, Sam Reichert drove home his new International automobile.
May 4, George Gabler is the first merchant to deliver his groceries by auto.
May 25, most of our autoists can get up enough speed to go up a hill on "high" except when they are accompanied by a young lady. Then for some reason they are obliged to use the "low." This is said to be no fault of the machines.
June 8, Walter Gaebler has a new Mitchell auto.
June 23, those taking the 8th grade examinations today are: Gladys Mettlen, Naomi McDaniels, John Mettlen, Clarence Henderson, Minnie Stamm, Mary Von Seggern, Katie Dimmel, Caroline Dysart, Leo Farran and Alta Prince.
August 10, the horrible looking telephone wires on main street will be placed in a cable this month.
September 14, depot platform has been taken up and is being replaced by brick.
October 12, rummage auction sale was held to benefit the library.
November 2, Champ Clark spoke three minutes from the rear of the train to an unusually large crowd.
November 2, Prof. Bicknell arranged a debate in the opera house on the question, "Which has done more to determine the destiny of a nation, Lincoln or Jefferson." A .W. Stockham and M. H. Boyle supported Lincoln and Walter Gaebler and Dr. B. M. McIntyre, Jefferson. Mrs. I. O. Brown sang two selections and Tot Chapin rendered a piano solo. Jefferson debaters won.
A few findings -- I found a very short summary of the play: "Wax figures" with vacant stare and jerky movement sing killing songs. Uproariously funny. I guess we'll take them at their word. Also, from wikipedia: James Beauchamp "Champ" Clark was a prominent American politician in the Democratic Party from the 1890's until his death. He represented Missouri in the United States House of Representatives and served as Speaker of the House from 1911 to 1919. I read elsewhere in the Winside history book a piece about Dr. McIntrye. It portrayed him as quite the good person. I'll get around to adding some of those biographies once I've finished with the year-by-year information.
I've used the photo before, but here's a nice one of the Pete Christensen family.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Told ya
Mon., August 19, 1935 - Annie came about 8:00 this a.m. We stopped for Marian Jordan. Today we canned 23 pints plus 16 quarts of corn and 4 quarts of apple sauce for us and 29 quarts of corn for Annie. We had a dandy rain tonite, started about 7:00. Stayed all night.
Tues., August 20, 1935 - Edwin brought me and the canned goods home this morning. I canned up 3 quarts of apple pulp. Typed again this afternoon and evening.
Wed., August 21, 1935 - Washed and waved my hair, baked bread, and canned 3 1/2 quarts of ripe cucumber pickles. Went down town with Alma. Howard was here when I came home.
See? Lots of canning. I know the basement was somewhat roomy, but it seems like they would be buried in canning jars by now.
For no particular reason, here is one of my favorite photos from a long-ago family reunion, or maybe 4th of July picnic.
Dorothy Jo,
Monday, September 11, 2017
More canning
Fri., August 16, 1935 - Canned 5 pints of tomatoes. Went to Hans Ehlers' funeral this afternoon with Ola's. Tonite Hazel and Gilbert Jochens brought us some apples.
Sat., August 17, 1935 - Cleaned the house and canned a quart of tomatoes. Howard was here tonite and took me down town to do my shopping. The Iversen and Rew girls are leaving Tuesday on a trip to the Black Hills.
Sun., August 18, 1935 - Slept late this morning. Washed the jars for the corn and peeled apples for sauce. Went up to Alma's this evening. Had some ice cream there.
Spoiler alert -- there is even more canning coming up. Basically, lots and lots of canning.
Thursday, September 7, 2017
A productive three days
Tues., August 13, 1935 - Alma brought our roaster back this morning. I peeled and cleaned the cucumbers. Typed school stuff this afternoon and evening.
Wed., August 14, 1935 - Canned 4 1/2 quarts of ripe cucumber pickles and 3 pints of tomatoes. Went down town with Alma to the free movie. Saw the Iversens afterward and they brought us home.
Thurs., August 15, 1935 - Washed today and canned 3 quarts of apple pulp and 1 pint of apple butter. Got letters from Ray and Mom today.
Based on this and previous diary entries, it seems those Iversen siblings hung out with one another quite a bit. And why not? I always thought they were lots of fun!
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Little bit of canning
Sat., August 10, 1935 - Alma came up this p.m. with the news that Hank Lautenbaughs have a baby boy and Mom should go there tomorrow morning. Howard and I went to Wayne tonite.
Sun., August 11, 1935 - Mom left on morning train. Howard came at 9:30 with roasting ears and Irene's typewriter. I typed school stuff this p.m. Howard here again rather late this evening.
Mon., August 12, 1935 - Baked bread and canned 6 qts. of pickled beets and 1 pint of tomatoes. Annie and Ola here tonite - brought us some apples, ripe cucumbers and a head of cabbage.
A few clicks and I see that the Lautenbaugh baby was named Dean and he lives or once lived in Bellevue. The Lautenbaugh family moved to Iowa at some point, but that's as far as I can get.
I did not think anyone ever canned just one pint of anything. Canning, in my memory, was always a big quantity endeavor. The things you learn . . . The photo is of Laplander learning there is a guinea behind her. Do know that nothing awful happened in the moments and minutes after I snapped the picture; everyone went peaceably on their way.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
A quilting machine!
Wed., August 7, 1935 - Mom and I mowed more lawn this morning. Grandad walked out to Ola's this morning for threshing. He was home again for dinner. We baked bread and a meat loaf for Alma for the Luther League Convention that is meeting here today and tomorrow. Mom went down town tonite and went to the convention vesper service at the church. Came home with Alma.
Thurs., August 8, 1935 - Finished the top of my star quilt this morning! Hurrah! Mom and I went to church tonite to the League Convention. Walked home with Alma.
Fri., August 9, 1935 - Worked on a quilting design this p.m. Cleaned up house in a.m. Went to lodge tonite, just 5 there including Verna Ditman. There was no lunch committee so Alma took us to Bohe's and treated us.
Grandma got her star quilt pattern on May 25 and here she had it all pieced by August 8. Never mind that she was also busy picking cherries and canning this and that, going to a dance out of town and losing some silverware, mowing the lawn, cleaning the house, and running around with Grandpa on occasion. Oh, and she finished a quilt she had already started before diving in to the star quilt. I knew she was an amazing go-getter, but wow!
And here's an undated photo of Grandma looking fabulous. And wearing a hat, which she normally did not do. Hurrah!
Grandma Anna,
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Sun., August 4, 1935 - To Sunday School and church again for a change. Slept and read most of the afternoon. We had a nice rain tonite.
Mon., August 5, 1935 - Worked on quilts today. Annie and the kids were in this afternoon for our big coffee pot. They're having threshers tomorrow.
Tues., August 6, 1935 - Mom and I worked on our quilts. Chris Hansen came after Grandad's oats to take out to Ola's to be threshed. Grandad went along and came back this evening. Mom and I mowed part of the lawn tonite.
Where would Ola be growing and storing oats? I sure wish Grandma or Grandpa or Grandma Anna were around to ask these questions to.
The photo is a random one -- I have no idea who those people are.
Grandma Anna,
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Darn weather
Thurs., August 1, 1935 - The kids left at 6:30. Worked on my quilt again. Mrs. Loebsack was here and asked if Mom would work for Freda at Sioux City. Mom will go Monday morning.
Fri., August 2, 1935 - I washed clothes and Mom sewed this a.m. Annie and Ola were here a few minutes. They went to Wayne and Grandad went with them, business of some kind. Mrs. Schellenberg and Florence were here this evening.
Sat., August 3, 1935 - Mom sewed at Florence Reinbrecht's this a.m. I ironed and baked bread, good bread, too. This is the first time I've done it alone. Barbara L. came tonite and said Mom didn't have to go to Sioux City until a week from Monday. Howard here this evening. Chris and Clara were hailed out yesterday.
The photo is from hail damage to a farm just south of North Bend, Nebraska, date unknown. I don't know what crops Uncle Chris and Aunt Clara planted, but devastation is devastation. Currently we have the awful hurricane wind damage and flooding in Texas. So very sad and impossible to wrap one's mind around.
I have no doubt that Grandma's solo bread making was a success. Other than the loaf she regretfully sawed into pieces in Nancy's and my presence, I do not recall hearing of any bread-ly failures.
Friday, August 25, 2017
Mon., July 29, 1935 - Peggy here all day while Mom worked on her dresses that Roxie brought yesterday. I went up to Alma's tonite. She was going to the show with Gerald so I talked to Mrs. L.
Tues., July 30, 1935 - Worked on my star quilt. It was hot today and not a breeze blowing. Alma came down tonite. We lay on the bedspring until 11:30 and talked.
Wed., July 31, 1935 - Ardath and Peggy here this a.m. trying on dresses. We had a good rain tonite. Willie, Lillie, Louise and Marjorie Hamm were in town for a kittenball game. They got caught in the rain and are staying all nite.
I, for one, have never heard of kittenball. But not being one to let that stand in my way, this is what I found at
The earliest known “softball/kittenball” game was played in Chicago on Thanksgiving Day 1887 between Yale and Harvard alumni who had gathered at the Farragut Boat Club to hear the score of their annual football game. When the score was announced and bets were settled, a Yale alumnus threw a boxing glove at a Harvard supporter. The other person grabbed a stick and swung at it. A man named George Hancock called out “Play ball!” and the game began, with the boxing glove tightened into a ball, and a broom handle serving as a bat. This first contest ended with a score of 44-40. The ball, being soft, was fielded barehanded.
George Hancock is credited as the game’s inventor for his development of a softball and an undersized bat in the next week. The Farragut Club soon set rules for the game, which spread quickly to outsiders. Envisioned as a way for baseball players to maintain their skills during the winter, the sport was called “Indoor Baseball." Under the name of “Indoor-Outdoor," the game moved outside in the next year, and the first rules were published in 1889.
In 1895, Lewis Rober, Sr. of Minneapolis organized outdoor games as exercise for firefighters; this game was known as kittenball (after the first team to play it), lemon ball, or diamond ball. Rober’s version of the game used a ball 12 inches (305 mm) in circumference, rather than the 16-inch (406 mm) ball used by the Farragut club, and eventually the Minneapolis ball prevailed, although the dimensions of the Minneapolis diamond were passed over in favor of the dimensions of the Chicago one.
Sixteen-inch softball, also sometimes referred to as “mush ball” or “super-slow pitch," is a direct descendant of Hancock’s original game. Defensive players are not allowed to wear fielding gloves. Sixteen-inch softball is played extensively in Chicago, where devotees such as the late Mike Royko consider it the “real” game, and New Orleans. In New Orleans, sixteen-inch softball is called “Cabbage Ball” and is a popular team sport in area elementary and high schools.
The things you learn . . . The date on the photo of kittenball players is quite fortuitous, but I do not know who those young ladies are or where they are from.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Bridal shower
Fri., July 26, 1935 - Waved Mom's hair this a.m. Felt punk today and didn't do much of anything. Tonite we went to the shower for Margaret Christensen Kallstrom. They were married last Saturday. She got a lot of nice gifts.
Sat., July 27, 1935 - Hot again today. Mom went down town tonite. Howard came up and we went for a ride.
Sun., July 28, 1935 - Roxie, Peggy, and Ardath came up this morning before we were up, that is about 9:15 and left at 11:00. So we didn't go to church. Today seemed like the hottest day this year.
Several new names here -- new to me anyway. I do not know who Roxie and Peggy and Ardath are. I did find out the Margaret Christensen Kallstrom has some great names connected to her. Through the magic of the internet, I discovered her full name was Kiersten Margaretha Christensen and she was the daughter of Thorvald and Elsie Alvina Pedersen Christensen. Her groom was Gilbert Waldo "Gabe" Kallstrom. Interestingly, she died in 2005, just like Grandma. And sure enough, the information I found says they were married on July 20, 1935 in Wayne.
For no particular reason at all, here's a photograph of a young and smiling Grandpa. If I'm not mistaken, that same grinding stone ended up at Grandma and Grandpa's place in town. Or maybe one very much like it.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Happy birthday little guy
Tues., July 23, 1935 - Ironed clothes. Lena Nieman from Omaha and Midge Witte were here this afternoon to see Mom.
Wed., July 24, 1935 - Embroidered on the sampler. Lillie, Martha and baby, and Uncle Hans were here this p.m. Today is Martha's baby's first birthday. Mom and I went down town tonite. Was to have been a free movie but the guy forgot part of the machine.
Thurs., July 25, 1935 - Mom went quilting this p.m. and I worked on my star quilt. Tonite Bess, Irene, Dorathea, Helen, and I took the present to Verna at Stanton.
My limited, but sometimes successful, investigative skills have revealed the baby in question is Ronald Maas. Grandma doesn't mention his name, but it is my understanding that back in the day, children were sometimes not named at birth but later instead. But who knows what the case was here.
I hope the movie guy that forgot the part wasn't booed too loudly.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Back home
Sat., July 20, 1935 - This morning I traced patterns. I drove Gilbert's car to Norfolk this p.m. Hazel, Mrs. J. and Bud Maas, a kid from Pierce who is visiting here, went along, too. Tonite Hazel and I went to Hoskins with Gilbert. We stayed in the car.
Sun., July 21, 1935 - To S.S. and church this a.m. After dinner we slept. Mr. Behmer and Charlotte Faye came over about school business. C.F. woke us up and talked to us. Tonite Hazel and I went to League and church. Gilbert brought us in. After church they brought me to Winside.
Mon., July 22, 1935 - Rained good early this morning. I spent most of the day embroidering the sampler I got in Norfolk Saturday. Hot as blazes this afternoon.
I peeked ahead and it appears Grandma is done picking and canning for a while and can enjoy her needlework.
Just look at the cute kitty in the window of the sampler picture I found. :-)
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