Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Slightly confused at first, but worked it out

Sun., October 6, 1935 - We went to church and S.S.  Talked some more this p.m.  Ray came after me about 5:00.  He took me out to Goodlings.  Fritz Weible died last nite from the accident he was in Friday nite.  Howard and his folks went to a silver wedding anniversary this weekend.  He didn't come home in time to bring me here.
Mon., October 7, 1935 - Started giving out parts today.  We've decided to have our Halloween program Oct. 25.  Copied parts tonite.
Tues., October 8, 1935 - I had Mr. Goodling take me down to Irene's tonite to get her typewriter to type parts for the program.  Elmer and Myrtle came back Sunday.  I met Myrtle tonite.

It sounds as if Grandma is saying this is the first time she met Aunt Myrtle.  From what I can see, she and Uncle Elmer were married in Madison in February 1934 but moved to Arkansas.  Oddly enough, the 1940 census asked where people lived on April 1, 1935 and that's where that piece of information comes from.  So, maybe it was a small private, short-notice ceremony like I understand many were those days and the new couple moved south before lots of family introductions.  This makes extra sense since this is the Iversen-Nielsen side of things.  Grandma and Grandpa were possibly not the exclusive, head-line making couple then that they were in 1935.  That's my guess anyway.

I probably should have used a photo that included Uncle Elmer, but I just had to use this one.  I love my stylish footwear.

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