Thursday, November 2, 2017

More normal stuff

Mon., September 30, 1935 - Waved Mom's hair.  Went to Institute with Helen, Irene, Dorothea, and Alma.  Ate at the Palace.  Stayed at Iversen's tonite.  Went to Lydia Kant's party tonite.  We played High Five.  I won high prize - a yellow bath towel with black border and washcloth to match.
Tues., October 1, 1935 - Institute again.  We were all pretty sleepy today.  Ate at the Palace.  Took a nap when I got home.  Uncle Hans took Granddad and Grandmother up to his place today.  Mom had to stay home and bake.  Howard brought me to Goodlings tonite. 
Wed., October 2, 1935 - The kids were glad to have the new books which came over the weekend.  Earl absent, but Robert here again.

I don't have much to add.  I've been sick with sinus troubles and was absent, like Earl.  But from work, not from school.  I don't know what Institute is, but I am guessing it has something to do with being a teacher.  Here's a photo of Dale and I being silly.  Or cute.  I'm not sure.

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