Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Little bit of canning

Sat., August 10, 1935 - Alma came up this p.m. with the news that Hank Lautenbaughs have a baby boy and Mom should go there tomorrow morning.  Howard and I went to Wayne tonite.
Sun., August 11, 1935 - Mom left on morning train.  Howard came at 9:30 with roasting ears and Irene's typewriter.  I typed school stuff this p.m.  Howard here again rather late this evening.
Mon., August 12, 1935 - Baked bread and canned 6 qts. of pickled beets and 1 pint of tomatoes.  Annie and Ola here tonite - brought us some apples, ripe cucumbers and a head of cabbage.

A few clicks and I see that the Lautenbaugh baby was named Dean and he lives or once lived in Bellevue.  The Lautenbaugh family moved to Iowa at some point, but that's as far as I can get.

I did not think anyone ever canned just one pint of anything.  Canning, in my memory, was always a big quantity endeavor.  The things you learn . . .  The photo is of Laplander learning there is a guinea behind her.  Do know that nothing awful happened in the moments and minutes after I snapped the picture; everyone went peaceably on their way.

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