Friday, March 1, 2013

Bum foot and a history lesson

"January 15, 2002:  Tom came from work and we visited and played several games of Rummikub.
January 16, 2002:  Tom came and washed my clothes.  No Book Club tonite.
January 17, 2002:  My right foot was very sore.  Got into the doctor's office at 1:15.  Nancy took me.  I'm to take the water pills again.
January 18, 2002:  At 8:15 a.m. went to Bryan Hospital for an ultrasound on my right leg.  Everything looked ok."

I never heard Grandma complain about it, but I bet she wasn't thrilled about taking water pills.  I've not talked to anyone that liked jumping up and going to bathroom constantly.

Although there is a hospital named for him in Lincoln, I would imagine some man-on-the-street interviews would reveal a lack of knowledge about William Jennings Bryan.  Nebraska is quite proud of him, but I found out he was not born and did not die in this state.  He did not move here until he was 27 and lived here less than half of his life.  He was the Democratic nominee for president three times, was appointed Secretary of State, and invented the stump tour.  He gave 500 speeches in one year at a time when politicians largely stayed home during campaigns.  Wikipedia reports a typical speaking day would include four one-hour speeches plus other talks to reach six hours of speaking a day.  This would equate to a daily output of 52 columns of a newspaper.

He, of course, is well known for his part in the Scopes trial.  I was not aware that he died (aged 65 years) only five days after that trial ended.

And that's it for our history lesson today.

Since Tom was at Grandma's two days running, he gets star billing in the photo for today.  Here he is with Satch in 1962.  Such a fun and funny cat he was -- Satch, that is.


  1. Great picture of both of them. Satch was a pretty special cat and of course Tom is a pretty special brother.
