Saturday, March 15, 2014

Big Ford or cramped kids

December 27, 1931 - We didn't go to church today.  We were all too sleepy.  I went upstairs about 5:30 this afternoon and planned on taking a short nap before the kids came.  But they came just as I got upstairs.  I saw Mayme's presents.  We went to Norfolk and saw Ralph Graves in "Dangerous Affairs".  We stopped in at the dance at Hoskins but didn't say very long.
December 28, 1931 - We washed today and what a day.  Foggy most of the time.  I went to the Rebekah Lodge meeting tonite.  They've asked me to join.  After the meeting the "Dane" bunch went to Laurel to the Xmas tree.  Myself, Helen Iversen, Howard Iversen, Neville Troutman, Alma and Louise Lautenbaugh, and another young man went in John B. Jensen's new Ford.  I got home at 3:30, but had a real good time.
December 29, 1931 - We were busy drying clothes and ironing them today.  I went to bed at 7:30 this evening.  I had my hair finger-waved at Anna Boyd's this afternoon.

Assuming the owner of the Ford, John Jensen, went along to drive, that's 8 kids in one car.  Sounds like crazy fun that should last until 3:30 to me!

Well, Grandma surely must have been pretty tired on the 27th.  I looked and I cannot find that Ralph Graves made a movie called Dangerous-anything.  Also, no movie called Dangerous Affairs was released in 1931.  So, no movie poster as a photo for this post.  I picked a picture of a 1931 Ford instead.

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