Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Baking and baling

Wed., November 11, 1936 - Howard baling for Dale Brugger.  Clear & warm all day.  I baked bread for the first time since I've been married -- and it was good!
Thur., November 12, 1936 - Howard baling for Leo Nelsen.  I sewed all day.  Elmer and Myrtle were here a few minutes this noon.
Fri., November 13, 1936 - Howard baling for Hoffman Bros.  I washed some clothes by hand -- some job!  We went to lodge tonite.

I still have not made a yeast bread with any success.  Tried maybe twice and neither worked out.  But, I'll try again after attempting to figure out what I have been doing wrong.

I did make aebleskiver this weekend.  The first pan of seven looked somewhat like sad, abandoned turtle shells, but I got better as I went.  John liked them quite a bit, so perhaps I'll make them on a regular basis -- after all, practice makes perfect.  That, and Youtube videos.  Photo from frugalityisfree.com.

And should that be Dale Bruegger?

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