Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Another jump

Here we are in November already:

Mon., November 2, 1936 - Windy -- rained and snowed a little.  Still stormy this evening so the T.D.S. Club didn't come nor did Howard go to lodge.
Tues., November 3, 1936 - Cold today.  Howard cut wood.  The folks stopped and took us along to vote.  We went to Jensens tonite and got the 12 hens Jo promised us for a wedding present.
Wed., November 4, 1936 - Raymond helped Howard haul in corn fodder.  I went to town this p.m. -- got some groceries and was up to see Mom.  Grandpa Tangeman who died Monday was buried today.  Warm today.

That might be F.D.S. Club, I'm not sure.

I know Grandma used the term 'grandpa' rather liberally, but I must confess I do not have any idea who this gentleman is.  I did find he was Herman Tangeman, married to Maria, and buried in Otoe County.  Someone is going to have to help me out as to how he is connected to the family, relationship-wise or friendship-wise.

I am thinking 12 hens was probably a pretty nice gift.

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