Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Winter in Nebraska

Mon., February 10, 1936 - Goodlings, Verdelle Mae, Herbert N. and Earl were only ones at school.  They worked to open the road past the schoolhouse this p.m.
Tues., February 11, 1936 - Everybody except Ruby at school.  Still very cold but no wind.
Wed., February 12, 1936 - Radio reported a blizzard but it didn't come.  Only 5 at school.  We had classes around the furnace.

The Winside history book for February 12, 1936 reports 31.25" of snow since January 1.  I'm rather glad we haven't had that kind of snowfall in several years.  Or maybe we have and I've just blocked it out to save my sanity.

I went to the net to look for a photograph of a snow drift and instead found this cute afghan pattern.  Bonus!

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