Monday, April 9, 2018

Grandpa at school

Sun., February 16, 1936 - Edwin brought me out this p.m.  I had to walk from the foot of the south side of the hill up to Niemans'.  Howard walked up here tonite to see me.
Mon., February 17, 1936 - The usual five & Howard at school today.  A bad wind came up from the west.  Roads drifted worse than ever.  Mr. Nieman came up about 2:30.  Dismissed school then.
Tues., February 18, 1936 - Everybody except Earl & Ruby here.  Still cold but no wind.  We finished passing out valentines today.

First off, I am glad to know the passing out of valentines was completed -- whew! 

But my main point of interest from these particular diary entries is Grandpa being at school.  Did he stay all day to be sure he wasn't needed for something?  Did he just drop by at some point for a brief visit?  Regardless, I like the image of him sitting there quietly watching Grandma do her teaching thing.

This has had me wondering for a while -- when they let out country school at 2:30 in the middle of a bad winter day in 1936, did the kids just wander home alone?  It isn't as if Grandma called all the parents and told them, right?  Just something I thought about.

Here's a photo of a momma goat and her baby.  Just because.

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