February 25, 1932 - The kids played ball this noon. I went home from school early tonite so I'd have plenty of time to get ready. I had a terrible time in the mud. Hazel, Gilbert, Raymond, Willard, Fritz and Harry came here and we went to the party in a lumber wagon. Played Bunco and I won 1st prize. A tie between Fritz and I and we shook it off. Home at 1 o'clock.
February 26, 1932 - I feel the effects of that lumber wagon ride last nite. Coming home tonite I stepped in the ice and snow and went in up to my hip. I was over in Maas' pasture, trying to find a better place than the road to walk. Got the 2 play books. Went to bed at eight o'clock tonite.
February 27, 1932 - Washed and mended my clothes this morning. Read play books this afternoon and frosted cinnamon rolls. Mildred and I played "Over the Top' this evening. Teased Evie when we came upstairs to bed. She was just about asleep. Mom called up this morning. Alice & Raymond have a baby boy, born Tuesday.
I am pretty sure I do not know who Alice and Raymond are.
But enough of that. Looking at the two new postcards I bought on ebay and have scanned and included above, what's up with the school? Was it added to at one point, or was someone fast and loose with photographs back in the day and just lopped off half of the school? I am guessing there was an addition, because it would have taken a lot of old-timey photoshopping to lop off the building and leave all those people. But what do I know?
And is it just me, or should the roses one have been flipped over before the photo was added? It would look better the other way around, I think.
Yes, the school was added to. Think you are right about the roses.