Thursday, May 15, 2014

Some mushy stuff

March 2, 1932 - Foggy today.  Tonite Mildred helped me copy examination questions.  We got all but two sets copied.
March 3, 1932 - Foggy again today.  I got a letter from Jane today asking me to spend this weekend with her.  And I'm going if the weather permits.  Washed some hose.  Mr. Walker trimmed my hair for me this evening.  Bud saw Ray in town today.  Played Rook with the girls and finished a letter to Mom.  Evie said, "A feeling that you feel that you've never felt before is love."  Also "Love is a ticklish feeling around the heart that you can't scratch."
March 4, 1932 - Stormy today.  Louise, Lawrence and Raymond were the only ones at school.  Went home at 1:30.  Pasted some of the pictures in my album.  Washed my hair and Evie fingerwaved it.  Played Rook this evening.  I won't get to go to Wayne tomorrow.  Brrrr!

Grandma is quoting Evie here, but this is the mushiest stuff we've seen in Grandma's diary to date.  If she is having any "ticklish" feelings herself, she doesn't let on.  And by the next day she is in a mood about not getting to go to Wayne.  Maybe the two concepts are connected.  Perhaps she was hoping to see someone other than Jane over the weekend.  Regardless, I have a lot of fun imagining Grandma at 20 years old.  I can't possibly know if my imagining is even close to the real thing, but it is entertaining nonetheless.  My favorite so far, I think, is Grandma wearing overalls and testing out deep drifts.  What fun!

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